I will be going on a four week excursion with my family in order to take care of some dusty shoes I have noticed lately.  We will hopefully be able to visit most Church history sites as well as the greatest possible number of US History sites as we can.  This will include a visit to the whorehouse where I plan on working on the spit shine on my shoes….

I have seen too many insults to good principle to just sit idly by without casting some words that direction.  Last time I was there was in 1984 for Reagan’s inaugural.  That was a great time of hope and change in our nation.  There was a sense of purpose and focus.  Now, I feel just despair for our once-great nation.

IF all goes well, I will get back to regular programming on the Wood Zone.  I will have wifi at times and will try and keep up with my usual news sources and update the blog – but it will be spotty.  I have said this before – but I feel we are on the brink of a cliff and the drop will be precipitous once over, if we have not gone over.

I work in aerospace and just found out that the EX/IM bank did not renew this year – which means that many of the orders that we had in the past will not come to fruition in the future due to a constricting of credit.  It appears that Greece is defaulting or will default on their loans – which most likely will drag the world into an economic cesspool which will most likely lead to riots and social breakdown.  If you do not have your food and water preps in place, I STRONGLY suggest you do so.  Time is beyond short right now.

I do NOT preach doom – but I do preach reality and doing things in a timely manner.  If you have a choice, get out of debt and stay there.  It is a safe place right now.  Follow the counsel of a modern Prophet (and at least a majority of the Brethren) in all that you do.  There is inner peace and safety of body and soul in this.  The world will mock it – but I tell you it is the only way to avoid the turbulence of life.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1LLtIlI