We were able to get some tix to the top of the WA monument with a great view of the crapitol and ‘bummer’s house’ – as he declared it.  I basically asked that those in DC who were simply living lives and not contributing to the beast, that they be able to get out in time.  I asked that the rest who are part of the problem, that they are part of the reset that needs to happen.  I pointed out that me and my family are not a part of this and that we have done all that is possible to extract ourselves “from babylon” and that we do not want to partake in her punishments.

Then the shoes were cleaned right then and there. 

The rest of the visit to the museums was just plain excellent.  It will be sad to see all that stuff that memorializes what man has been able to do that is productive – simply evaporate in a man-made sun….

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1OPIUNm