Folks, I know a lot of people who are into energy healing (I am talking members of the Church) – and I get a little freaked out when doing a little research on how to pick the New Age BS out that is all around us, including a high priest of a coven (wears top hat, face painted, black clothes, etc) and the typical “priestess” who wears the black pointy hat with the brim.

I kind of thought these people were just jokers messing around – but they are for realz:


This gathering of freaks apparently in the midwest.  Sheesh – and people wonder why the place will be swept clean…..  Those “coexist” bumper stickers show a good pulse of how much of that kind of thing is in an area.  Let me tell you about the bumpers in Seattle…..

Apparently, the web master of this place is also in their “priesthood” is into energy healing.  The more I see, the more I have to say this stuff should be avoided at all costs……

If you are a good LDS lady into this – please consider that you might be deceived, or in the process of being deceived about energy healing.  Many that I have bumped into talk of being buffeted by the adversary.  Just a hint here – you might be inviting that kind of thing into your life precisely because you are simply playing with fire.  When it comes to that kind of thing, I usually run the other way – simply because, like tromping thru cow poop in boots, once in it, you may never fully get the stink off your boots and will remain contaminated.

Rant off – over and out.

Actually, while I am in the mire – let me show you what I found on FB that got me going down this bunny trail tonight.  It was shocking to say the least.  Abortions and cannibalism.


We live in a constant stream of this garbage coming at us from seemingly innocuous or harmless sources such as Harry Potter, the vampire thing (don’t even care to remember anything about it, other than it was written by an LDS lady from Arizona, so it must be good, right??) and even a Blondie video from the late 1970’s, where a high priest of a coven is dressed in negative colors (a black face on a guy in a white tux with white top hat intead of a white face on a guy with a black tux and top hat) and next to where a goat is traipsing through the set.  All clear symbolism of the freak show.  If you do not believe me, watch this:


When will the bad info keep bubbling in from the sewer that we are living in.  We NEED and intervention NOW!  A little fire, water, that kind of thing – some cleansing pronto.

I still need to find a definitive statement of the Brethren coming out against energy healing.  I swear I remember something about it when it boiled over years ago.  I realize I am throwing many people under the bus with this article – but I think people can be gullible and need to be woken to the awful state of their situation.  Many (really good people) do not even realize where they are at – and need the shock factor to wake themselves up from their stupor.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1E9gEVe