Just got this report on FB from boots on the ground:

I just left the Logan Cannery. They said, that this week, as soon as the trucks come in, they sell out of food. Miraculously, and unexpectedly today, they received some personal water filter bottles and replacement filters. If you want some, please drive there now. Entire wards were previously buying them, and cleaned them out. They are now saying if you want any, you will need to personally go in and pick them up. Please hurry if you want the filters. They said the manufacture can’t keep up, so if and when they get more, is unknown.

I have several family members there – many who simply are asleep.  I am hoping for the best.  I think people are finally being jolted awake with the stock market stuff, etc.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1NBIM6q