If you have read my blog piece on the 777 prophecy (crash in SFO on 7/7/13) with the two year window, then the date within 7/8/15 of the stock market being jolted and the market closed for 4 hours is quite interesting.

This is the first time I am hearing it.  I was in a news blackout in Glacier NP and fighting off the grizzlies.  It was a miracle that I had cell coverage and was getting news from people coming into the campground that had been in touch with civilization.

Interesting.  I had no idea.  Though it was a day off, timing is always difficult.

Here is the information that surprised me:


Here was my original call on the 2015 crash related to the 777:


Soon, the proof will be found in the pudding.  Supposedly in the next couple of weeks – we are close.  I simply do not know for sure – but it seems as if everyone is screaming out on this collapse.  I have never seen things so lit up on a topic.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1NhPVaV