Hallelujah!  People may be finally waking up.

Thank you Jonathan Cahn and so many others who have higher profiles and have rung the warning bell or lit the lamp in the steeple……  It takes cahunas to sound like a broken record and put your reputation on the line.  I have a lead at work that is finally softening up a little on me and my message.

He has been naysaying for years (no man knows the future kind of mentality).

I guess some enemies will turn into friends when they find out that I was not doing this for my own gratification (although, having woken someone up and then saying “I told you so”, is kind of fun).  I only do this because I was commanded to in the Seattle Temple.  I was told to move eastward (get off the coast to higher ground) and to warn others of impending disasters, per D&C 88.  Once you have been warned, warn your neighbor.

I am still baffled why we are not hearing more from SLC.  I know they know – the delivery of 150,000 tents was just made to a certain camp by Provo.  I get that it is a world-wide church and what applies to Utah, does not apply to Paraguay necessarily – but it still is unnerving to me.

I just have to have faith and trust. 

Here is what got me spun up from a commenter to this blog:

The Ogden cannery is out of many items including prepacked rice, red wheat, carrots, onions, and potato flakes. The Layton cannery is out of many of the same items. They told me to come back a few days later and they would be restocked. When I returned there was a note on the white board saying that those items were back ordered with the supplier and they were still unavailable. These canneries are not equipped to handle many customers at a time. If you need food, now is a good time to get it done. A volunteer told me that business has tripled since last year.

A sudden uptick in activity at the cannery may well be the VIX of the Church…..  A prelude to impending badness.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1F0JZw7