I have been wanting to post something from this singer/songwriter for some time now.  She is one of the ones, whose prayerful journey has led her in the direction of her C&E.  I have posted several links to the C&E process on this blog.  I have taken some heat on them – but I am not sure if those cuts were from people who do not want that truth revealed (as it was in this 1976 ENSIGN article – click link), or if it was something given from someone who knows that this is a sacred thing, THE SPECIFICS OF WHICH, are not to be announced from the roof-tops to every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes along.  Yet, when we know someone is seeking this blessing, we would encourage them and tell them that they are on the right path, like we would a friend or co-worker who is seeking out a better life through gospel living.

Remember, we are to show our children the way to Salvation, or we are under condemnation.  We start with the simple things – and go forward from there.  We ALL should be aware that it starts with the Holy Ghost that we receive after our baptisms.  This then leads us from the First Comforter to the Second Comforter which takes across the finish line to the prize.  SO, if we do not know of something because it is never spoken of, how do we even know what to do?  What if no one had ever spoken of the First Comforter to us?  Spoken of the love we can feel and the wonderful influence it can be in our lives, guiding us and spurring us along to better things?  How would we ever know to take that first step?  Do we not have a missionary program to help people to that point?  SO, likewise – how do we move to the next step without someone pointing the way.

That is the purpose of this song and ENSIGN article (did I mention that it was in a lowly ENSIGN article??……).  To show us the way to bigger things.  We should desire this with all our hearts.  And, when we realize that this stuff is not openly spoken of in the Church anymore?  We should realize the awfulness of our situation – that we, as a body of Saints, have sunk to a low point.  May we speedily repent of our situation.

Here is the song:


from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1OzSJlp


I have been wanting to post something from this singer/songwriter for some time now.  She is one of the ones, whose prayerful journey has led her in the direction of her C&E.  I have posted several links to the C&E process on this blog.  I have taken some heat on them – but I am not sure if those cuts were from people who do not want that truth revealed (as it was in this 1976 ENSIGN article – click link), or if it was something given from someone who knows that this is a sacred thing, THE SPECIFICS OF WHICH, are not to be announced from the roof-tops to every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes along.  Yet, when we know someone is seeking this blessing, we would encourage them and tell them that they are on the right path, like we would a friend or co-worker who is seeking out a better life through gospel living.

Remember, we are to show our children the way to Salvation, or we are under condemnation.  We start with the simple things – and go forward from there.  We ALL should be aware that it starts with the Holy Ghost that we receive after our baptisms.  This then leads us from the First Comforter to the Second Comforter which takes across the finish line to the prize.  SO, if we do not know of something because it is never spoken of, how do we even know what to do?  What if no one had ever spoken of the First Comforter to us?  Spoken of the love we can feel and the wonderful influence it can be in our lives, guiding us and spurring us along to better things?  How would we ever know to take that first step?  Do we not have a missionary program to help people to that point?  SO, likewise – how do we move to the next step without someone pointing the way.

That is the purpose of this song and ENSIGN article (did I mention that it was in a lowly ENSIGN article??……).  To show us the way to bigger things.  We should desire this with all our hearts.  And, when we realize that this stuff is not openly spoken of in the Church anymore?  We should realize the awfulness of our situation – that we, as a body of Saints, have sunk to a low point.  May we speedily repent of our situation.

Here is the song:
