Just had a reader point out that I published my 777th article on the 29th Elul – and on the start of the 5777th Jewish year…..

Seriously – stop it already lol.

Maybe I will get my 7,777 point stock market drop, after all.  Here is a jaw-dropping report in from a reader.  Sounds like the markets are in trouble already today:

I just checked the BBC Stock Market Data report from yesterday.
Helium was up, but feathers were down. Paper was stationary, but pencils lost a few points. Lifts rose but escalators continued their slow decline. Switches were off and mining equipment hit rock bottom. The raisin Market has dried up. Pampers remained unchanged while Sun peaked at mid-day and Charmin tissues touched a new bottom.

Time to start stuffing the mattress with Ben Franklins!

I am as concerned about people becoming disillusioned about things not going exactly as expected tomorrow as I am about it actually happening.  People are fickle – just like the people in Jesus’ day after he was strung up.  Most were completely deflated – and I am sure many walked away from it.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1KMcSUC


Just had a reader point out that I published my 777th article on the 29th Elul – and on the start of the 5777th Jewish year…..

Seriously – stop it already lol.

Maybe I will get my 7,777 point stock market drop, after all.  Here is a jaw-dropping report in from a reader.  Sounds like the markets are in trouble already today:

I just checked the BBC Stock Market Data report from yesterday.
Helium was up, but feathers were down. Paper was stationary, but pencils lost a few points. Lifts rose but escalators continued their slow decline. Switches were off and mining equipment hit rock bottom. The raisin Market has dried up. Pampers remained unchanged while Sun peaked at mid-day and Charmin tissues touched a new bottom.

Time to start stuffing the mattress with Ben Franklins!

I am as concerned about people becoming disillusioned about things not going exactly as expected tomorrow as I am about it actually happening.  People are fickle – just like the people in Jesus’ day after he was strung up.  Most were completely deflated – and I am sure many walked away from it.