Thought this was an interesting note on the earlier 7 occurrence.  I know it won’t happen – especially now that voice has been given to it, but I would just die if the actual market correction on this next one were 7,777 points…..  We would have some nice 7’s.  77 (leading to the Sept 2001 crash), 777 point correction on the Sept 2008 crash,  and then 7777.  Love me some patterns…..  Odds of actually occurring?  Nil – but fun to think about.

From a FB pal:

Regarding your blog post on all of the 7’s. Here’s a big one: Since a missile hit the pentagon on 9/11 not an airplane, that missing airplane was Flight 77.


Thought this was an interesting note on the earlier 7 occurrence.  I know it won’t happen – especially now that voice has been given to it, but I would just die if the actual market correction on this next one were 7,777 points…..  We would have some nice 7’s.  77 (leading to the Sept 2001 crash), 777 point correction on the Sept 2008 crash,  and then 7777.  Love me some patterns…..  Odds of actually occurring?  Nil – but fun to think about.

From a FB pal:

Regarding your blog post on all of the 7’s. Here’s a big one: Since a missile hit the pentagon on 9/11 not an airplane, that missing airplane was Flight 77.