In case you were wondering……

Got this off of FB:

Fall Equinox: When there is equal amounts of daylight as night. Light & darkness. Lands on either the 22- 24th of any given yr. The 266-268th day. The average length of the human gestation period.For Jews it’s the time of Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement. End of the repentance period. It is also the time of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice. For Mormons it is also the day that an Angel from ancient American times visited Joseph Smith showing him an ancient record & visited him on this very day for 4 consecutive years giving him instructions before he was able to take the record & translate it into what we have today as the Book of Mormon. This Sept 23 is the 266 day & the 266 Pope visited the White House. A Pope addressing Congress on Sept 24th for the 1st time, then onto the UN where he/they will hold the 70th session of the UN & discuss creating a Palestinian nation on Israel’s 70th Jubilee feast where Israel celebrates being a nation unto themselves. This day has also been chosen as the day the CERN particle divider is to start up at full force, twice as powerful. These scientists are looking to open a new portal or dimension in space/time. Looking for dark matter & a force they call dark energy which can create worm holes right here on Earth according to Steven Hawking.And you thought it was just another day.


In case you were wondering……

Got this off of FB:

Fall Equinox: When there is equal amounts of daylight as night. Light & darkness. Lands on either the 22- 24th of any given yr. The 266-268th day. The average length of the human gestation period.For Jews it’s the time of Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement. End of the repentance period. It is also the time of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice. For Mormons it is also the day that an Angel from ancient American times visited Joseph Smith showing him an ancient record & visited him on this very day for 4 consecutive years giving him instructions before he was able to take the record & translate it into what we have today as the Book of Mormon. This Sept 23 is the 266 day & the 266 Pope visited the White House. A Pope addressing Congress on Sept 24th for the 1st time, then onto the UN where he/they will hold the 70th session of the UN & discuss creating a Palestinian nation on Israel’s 70th Jubilee feast where Israel celebrates being a nation unto themselves. This day has also been chosen as the day the CERN particle divider is to start up at full force, twice as powerful. These scientists are looking to open a new portal or dimension in space/time. Looking for dark matter & a force they call dark energy which can create worm holes right here on Earth according to Steven Hawking.And you thought it was just another day.