My problem is the same as one in a coma – being able to think and hear, but not communicate it to those around me.  I am stunted in my writing – I either ramble on to the point that I lose people, or I am not able to use enough brush strokes to paint a clear picture of what I am trying to get at.  Thus you will see me write several redundant posts hitting it from a different angle until I feel like I got something out that makes sense.  Most of it is my problem – the flowery part of my brain does not work too well and the logic side dominates.  This makes for poor writing attempts.  My dad has the same problem – and oddly, when my son who passed and my mother returned to tell him to move on, his writing ability was mentioned.  He married someone who excels at this – but maybe is not so endowed with the other side of the grey matter?

Someone on a FB group had an epiphany and I think I was able to get it out there in a succinct form:

Indeed it is. 3500 years since the Israelites were released from Egypt and their debts were forgiven. That release happened on the 50th, 50th Jubilee since Adam and Eve were tossed from the Garden of Eden. So, 2500 + 3499 = Jubilee Year beginning this Sept 13th. Christ returns on the 6000th year on the Wedding Feast (Sukkoth) in just about 13 months (End of the 1260 + 30 day period). The end of that year marks the end of an era where the captives are once again released (from the armies of Gog that are set about Jerusalem) and their debts forgiven (picture Christ showing them the marks on the hands, feet and side). When Christ smashes all the armies upon coming and splitting the Mount of Olives, the land will be returned to those to whom it was covenanted. The three purposes of the Jubilee and THE PERFECT Jubilee ending!! I have been raving about this for years now – just trying to get it to make sense to people – because it is SO BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks ______ for your personal revelation.

Thirteen months from now will also mark the time when 70 years have passed since the command went forth to make Israel a nation in 1947. It also marks the time when 50 years have passed since the land was returned to the original owners with the War of 1967. 100 years since the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which allowed the return of the Jews later to their land. Also, 100 years since Lord Allenby rolled in to Jerusalem and kicked the Turks out in WWI. God works on a PERFECT cycle. This is PART of the reason, I say it is either here and now, or never. I do not think this earth has another 50 years in her to get it done. We have crossed too many lines already where there is no going back. In another 50 years, every single God-fearing man and woman would be dead. For this reason, the days will be cut short (in order to have something left to do a great work with in building up the NJ and gathering all the elect in).