Man, does this stuff give me the heeby-jeebies.  Weird stuff is going on in the muslim world.  This is just one of them.  I just get unsettled with the whole immigration thing, the reluctance of Saudi Arabia to help out the affected people that are over-running Europe, etc.  I mean it is utter chaos over there.  Part of the reason things are so unstable in Israel, is that all of those countries threw out all their undesireables in the past 70 years – and they have ended up concentrated in “Palestine”.  It is the penal colony of the ME.  Not much unlike Australia was for GB – except Australia was filled with Christians who at least have a modicum of decency when it comes to not killing someone for not having the same religious dogmas as themselves.  Talk about a powder keg….

Anyway – here is proof that Houston indeed has a problem…..

Then there is Boehner out during this papal visit.  Just some weird stuff going on.  My “weirded out” meter is starting to peg.  But then, when was anything ever normal??


Man, does this stuff give me the heeby-jeebies.  Weird stuff is going on in the muslim world.  This is just one of them.  I just get unsettled with the whole immigration thing, the reluctance of Saudi Arabia to help out the affected people that are over-running Europe, etc.  I mean it is utter chaos over there.  Part of the reason things are so unstable in Israel, is that all of those countries threw out all their undesireables in the past 70 years – and they have ended up concentrated in “Palestine”.  It is the penal colony of the ME.  Not much unlike Australia was for GB – except Australia was filled with Christians who at least have a modicum of decency when it comes to not killing someone for not having the same religious dogmas as themselves.  Talk about a powder keg….

Anyway – here is proof that Houston indeed has a problem…..

Then there is Boehner out during this papal visit.  Just some weird stuff going on.  My “weirded out” meter is starting to peg.  But then, when was anything ever normal??