This is quite possible.  I would give it in the 30-40% probability rate given the alignment of all else I see going on in the world, sprinkled with a little Bishop Koyle goodness in there…..  This dream from last spring when the stock market was solid at 18,000:

In my dream, I was watching TV and it said that stock markets all over the world were experiencing severe crashes. A voice then whispered inside my ears, “The catalyst for the crash will come on October 11 this year. On October 12, the day after, the crash will officially begin. Martial law will be declared sometime in November this year.” The dream then faded out and I woke up in a cold sweat. Please take this warning seriously. My past dreams forewarned me of the exact date of the 9/11 terror attacks and the date of the Japan earthquake. They are usually very precise and to the point. I was born with this very strong precognitive ability and have used it to warn people of the exact dates of future events. Please prepare while you can.

This person is good at date cognition.  I know one when I see one.  The fakes are obvious.  I have never been good at exact dates.  I have been good at stating the random and having the dates of what was described in the random statement be uncanny.  Getting a date spot on – now that is a good gift.  It is tricky beyond all measure.  The only other person I am aware of that had this gift of dates was John Koyle.


This is quite possible.  I would give it in the 30-40% probability rate given the alignment of all else I see going on in the world, sprinkled with a little Bishop Koyle goodness in there…..  This dream from last spring when the stock market was solid at 18,000:

In my dream, I was watching TV and it said that stock markets all over the world were experiencing severe crashes. A voice then whispered inside my ears, “The catalyst for the crash will come on October 11 this year. On October 12, the day after, the crash will officially begin. Martial law will be declared sometime in November this year.” The dream then faded out and I woke up in a cold sweat. Please take this warning seriously. My past dreams forewarned me of the exact date of the 9/11 terror attacks and the date of the Japan earthquake. They are usually very precise and to the point. I was born with this very strong precognitive ability and have used it to warn people of the exact dates of future events. Please prepare while you can.

This person is good at date cognition.  I know one when I see one.  The fakes are obvious.  I have never been good at exact dates.  I have been good at stating the random and having the dates of what was described in the random statement be uncanny.  Getting a date spot on – now that is a good gift.  It is tricky beyond all measure.  The only other person I am aware of that had this gift of dates was John Koyle.