If I were a betting man, I would go out and get some cash and a few other tidbits just in case.  I am filling up all our vehicles today or tomorrow and have gotten a bunch of cash on hand.  Not in panic, as the cash in the bank earns about the same rate as the cash in my Serta….  So, what could it hurt?  If it burns in a house fire, just take the crisped wad of worthless FRNs to the national forensics lab and they have to redeem it.  True story.

I am also poised with a few trucks to head in on Tuesday, before the panic buying begins in earnest (on Monday, Columbus Day is Thanksgiving Day in Canada…. with everything closed) and pick up a few tons of canned food like fruit and veggies, copper wire for MacGuyvering the hell out of everything when it all goes bad and a few other things.  It will be like the day after Thanksgiving sales in the US – but it will be in Canada, with me parked outside the food store with engine running in the dark….  No big screens or cheap blu-rays for me….  Just massive amounts of thread, paper products, rope, buttons, needles, chocolate, tampons (never forget about the angry wife when 50 feet below ground in the bunker….), virgin coco oil, and so much else.  Stuff that will come in handy when the end of the world gets going in earnest.  Stuff that is tradeable when it all goes south, but that I can use in my lifetime when this doesn’t happen for another 150 years….lol

But in all seriousness – what would this stuff hurt if you have the means?  Do NOT get into debt for any of it.  In fact, I just paid any balances that I have down to zero – just because.  Once the collapse does happen, jobs will dry up, inflation will kick in and people will be cranky.  They will break stuff and supply chains will come to a halt – so what you have, is what you have.  Barter will become the principle economy – so have it on hand for your own family and to bless the lives of others when we begin to live it again.  And, if wrong?  You have enough toilet paper to last through your kids’ teens when TPing people becomes cool…..  They will hit your stocks – and you won’t even get upset.  You will be the cool parents – what is there to lose?

Let the panic buying begin….

Also, as a side note, I have a winner on the blog naming contest.  It was a tie of sorts, so I had to improvise a tie-breaker in the face of contrarian FCC rules…..  I will announce it once I get the details of the all expenses paid vacation to Cabo squared away……

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1LmwZap


If I were a betting man, I would go out and get some cash and a few other tidbits just in case.  I am filling up all our vehicles today or tomorrow and have gotten a bunch of cash on hand.  Not in panic, as the cash in the bank earns about the same rate as the cash in my Serta….  So, what could it hurt?  If it burns in a house fire, just take the crisped wad of worthless FRNs to the national forensics lab and they have to redeem it.  True story.

I am also poised with a few trucks to head in on Tuesday, before the panic buying begins in earnest (on Monday, Columbus Day is Thanksgiving Day in Canada…. with everything closed) and pick up a few tons of canned food like fruit and veggies, copper wire for MacGuyvering the hell out of everything when it all goes bad and a few other things.  It will be like the day after Thanksgiving sales in the US – but it will be in Canada, with me parked outside the food store with engine running in the dark….  No big screens or cheap blu-rays for me….  Just massive amounts of thread, paper products, rope, buttons, needles, chocolate, tampons (never forget about the angry wife when 50 feet below ground in the bunker….), virgin coco oil, and so much else.  Stuff that will come in handy when the end of the world gets going in earnest.  Stuff that is tradeable when it all goes south, but that I can use in my lifetime when this doesn’t happen for another 150 years….lol

But in all seriousness – what would this stuff hurt if you have the means?  Do NOT get into debt for any of it.  In fact, I just paid any balances that I have down to zero – just because.  Once the collapse does happen, jobs will dry up, inflation will kick in and people will be cranky.  They will break stuff and supply chains will come to a halt – so what you have, is what you have.  Barter will become the principle economy – so have it on hand for your own family and to bless the lives of others when we begin to live it again.  And, if wrong?  You have enough toilet paper to last through your kids’ teens when TPing people becomes cool…..  They will hit your stocks – and you won’t even get upset.  You will be the cool parents – what is there to lose?

Let the panic buying begin….

Also, as a side note, I have a winner on the blog naming contest.  It was a tie of sorts, so I had to improvise a tie-breaker in the face of contrarian FCC rules…..  I will announce it once I get the details of the all expenses paid vacation to Cabo squared away……