There is a reason I said I now despise America.  She is hated throughout the world.  If you were too busy watching the baseball playoffs or the football games to notice after the Sept 11th attacks, people from all over were cheering at our expense – we are hated.  Now, she is guilty of supplying arms to groups that have started (yes, we are in WWIII – unless you are blind) WWIII.  The A/C and walking turd, bummer has caused war to be poured out upon all nations.  That which a country sows, that also shall it reap.  Very basic – that is how it is.  God is not complicated in how He deals with spoiled and disobedient children.

I got hammered in the comments from people that I feel should know better.  I generally do not respond to individual comments for lack of time and feeling the need to address all if I address one comment.  So, I will do a blanket roast….  Do you not realize that all of the hellish institutions of the world are embodied in America?  We started them??  Banking, World Trade, UN, CIA,  world news organs, Hollywood that spews filth and pornography and many world religions which enslave and keep people in ignorance?  In supporting this culture, we support the adversary in his purposes.  Truly, in order to fully extract ourselves from the concept of babylon, we have to extract ourselves from the constructs that we are awash in and heavily vested in.  America is the WHORE WHO SITS ON MANY WATERS (read empire).  We project our hellish filth the world round – and have caused many nations and peoples to partake in our sins.  We, as a people who should be enlightened – have refused to reject the filth streamed into our homes on the glowing boxes.  For this, we bear the burden of a ruined generation that cannot discern right from wrong – because they are told that this thing that Bruce Jenner has become, is normal and acceptable.

If you would like to wave the flag and wrap yourselves in it in ignorance – that is fine with me.  Just don’t “come bitchin to me” when it all goes south and you are nursing radiation burns in your dazed condition…..  The proof as to how the Lord sees our nation will be clearly burned in our collective memories.  It will make two towers collapsing on Sept 11th look like child’s play.

The only vestige that will make it into the Millennium is the Constitution – or portions of it.  The flag?  What it represents?  The empire – and all the hell it has brought to people who just want to live their lives in the past 40 years?  Not a shred left.  It must be so – for the only thing that will remain is the Godly government found in the New Jerusalem.

Rant off…..


There is a reason I said I now despise America.  She is hated throughout the world.  If you were too busy watching the baseball playoffs or the football games to notice after the Sept 11th attacks, people from all over were cheering at our expense – we are hated.  Now, she is guilty of supplying arms to groups that have started (yes, we are in WWIII – unless you are blind) WWIII.  The A/C and walking turd, bummer has caused war to be poured out upon all nations.  That which a country sows, that also shall it reap.  Very basic – that is how it is.  God is not complicated in how He deals with spoiled and disobedient children.

I got hammered in the comments from people that I feel should know better.  I generally do not respond to individual comments for lack of time and feeling the need to address all if I address one comment.  So, I will do a blanket roast….  Do you not realize that all of the hellish institutions of the world are embodied in America?  We started them??  Banking, World Trade, UN, CIA,  world news organs, Hollywood that spews filth and pornography and many world religions which enslave and keep people in ignorance?  In supporting this culture, we support the adversary in his purposes.  Truly, in order to fully extract ourselves from the concept of babylon, we have to extract ourselves from the constructs that we are awash in and heavily vested in.  America is the WHORE WHO SITS ON MANY WATERS (read empire).  We project our hellish filth the world round – and have caused many nations and peoples to partake in our sins.  We, as a people who should be enlightened – have refused to reject the filth streamed into our homes on the glowing boxes.  For this, we bear the burden of a ruined generation that cannot discern right from wrong – because they are told that this thing that Bruce Jenner has become, is normal and acceptable.

If you would like to wave the flag and wrap yourselves in it in ignorance – that is fine with me.  Just don’t “come bitchin to me” when it all goes south and you are nursing radiation burns in your dazed condition…..  The proof as to how the Lord sees our nation will be clearly burned in our collective memories.  It will make two towers collapsing on Sept 11th look like child’s play.

The only vestige that will make it into the Millennium is the Constitution – or portions of it.  The flag?  What it represents?  The empire – and all the hell it has brought to people who just want to live their lives in the past 40 years?  Not a shred left.  It must be so – for the only thing that will remain is the Godly government found in the New Jerusalem.

Rant off…..