If you are looking for a quick 15 minute trainer on how Cleon Skousen assessed the USA to be hit by Russia and taken out by either a natural or man-made disaster, this vid provides ample scriptural proof.  I was on my bugout property in MT in Sept 2001 when the towers were hit.  The first thing I did when I got over the shock of it all was to pray to know if I should immediately head to Seattle to evacuate my family to Montana.  I was given a no.  I did call my fam and comfort them and let them know I would be home in a few days.  Six months later, our son died and those plans were thrown into a near complete stasis while we recovered and adjusted.

Around noon of Sept 11, I got back to our property from a hardware run.  I opened the scrips to Revelations 18:10 and knew we were the nation spoken of.  There was dualism in this scrip for us.  The BIG event is yet to happen – and possibly quite soon.  New York (and the rest of the nation) will fall in an hour – of this I am certain.

Other than the advertisement at the end selling false hope, this is a great little vid:


You cannot protect your car, if built after 1986 (some cars later) from EMP.  Simply not possible if it is running at the time of the event.  And even then.  I can go into more details if there are enough likes.  I have before in a buried post, but I can resurrect.  We have hedged against EMP, but it takes work.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1j9D3c2


If you are looking for a quick 15 minute trainer on how Cleon Skousen assessed the USA to be hit by Russia and taken out by either a natural or man-made disaster, this vid provides ample scriptural proof.  I was on my bugout property in MT in Sept 2001 when the towers were hit.  The first thing I did when I got over the shock of it all was to pray to know if I should immediately head to Seattle to evacuate my family to Montana.  I was given a no.  I did call my fam and comfort them and let them know I would be home in a few days.  Six months later, our son died and those plans were thrown into a near complete stasis while we recovered and adjusted.

Around noon of Sept 11, I got back to our property from a hardware run.  I opened the scrips to Revelations 18:10 and knew we were the nation spoken of.  There was dualism in this scrip for us.  The BIG event is yet to happen – and possibly quite soon.  New York (and the rest of the nation) will fall in an hour – of this I am certain.

Other than the advertisement at the end selling false hope, this is a great little vid:


You cannot protect your car, if built after 1986 (some cars later) from EMP.  Simply not possible if it is running at the time of the event.  And even then.  I can go into more details if there are enough likes.  I have before in a buried post, but I can resurrect.  We have hedged against EMP, but it takes work.