The Mount of the Place of Troops…..

This is a great time to post this.  I believe we are in the 13 month battle leading up to the final conflict in Jerusalem.  I have heard many people say that there have always been problems in the ME.  I just heard this yesterday at a home of someone we were moving.  No one wants to deal with reality.  Well, guess what?  Reality has a habit of biting you in the arse at the most inopportune of times, when you choose to ignore it, against all odds.  So, I call bull crap on that. 

Here is why:  NEVER before have you had Russia (Gog) in the Syrian area with their only carrier group and China, as well with her only carrier (that is not even complete in her sea trials).  They are using them as floating air bases in order to carry out air strikes against our proxy CIA-backed pukes over there.  We are in a sovereign nation YET AGAIN messing with a government that has a right to self-determination.  We have NO RIGHT.  We are in the wrong – our pushing of wars is an affront to all that is right – and we must die for it – to the measure that we have caused war to be poured out upon the nations of the earth for greed and selfish interests.  May the death and destruction that will come upon this nation come first upon those who directly benefited from the hellish agenda – and then upon those who were seduced by, and voted for this minion of hell – and lastly upon those who have vigorously fought evil as they discerned it from the beginning.

A sin has been committed – a price must be paid – a modicum of suffering must be shared by all who have not extracted themselves from this fiery end.  All are complicit – unless they have purged themselves from the blood and sins of this untoward generation.  As the saying goes, we rise and fall together.  Or not at all.  In my situation, there is a hellish apostate element introduced by my MIL who chose to trample the Law of Chastity – and I had to excise the cancer after a line had been crossed.  You can choose to wallow in sin with the sinful, or you can extract yourself from Sodom and forego the resulting calamities.  Sometimes it takes multiple treatments to fully extract the cancer, sometimes cutting to the bone.  OR, people can repent and do it God’s way.  It is oh so simple, but oh so hard for thick-headed and stubborn people to get.  It runs intergenerationally.  It is a matter of breeding.  Only those who rise to the bar will be fit for the kingdom that comes here shortly.

Those who live by the sword, shall fall by the sword.  A war-mongering nation who have driven the Saints, will have war enough.  Those who have seen it, have asked to shut the vision up – it was too much for them to persist in.  Knowing what is coming, shall I proclaim peace.  NO, I will WARN my neighbor, even at peril of my good reputation.

Here is what got me spun up – plus a reading of the news for today.  Things are dire and we not just in another ME flare-up again.  This is as serious as a heart attack:


The Mount of the Place of Troops…..

This is a great time to post this.  I believe we are in the 13 month battle leading up to the final conflict in Jerusalem.  I have heard many people say that there have always been problems in the ME.  I just heard this yesterday at a home of someone we were moving.  No one wants to deal with reality.  Well, guess what?  Reality has a habit of biting you in the arse at the most inopportune of times, when you choose to ignore it, against all odds.  So, I call bull crap on that. 

Here is why:  NEVER before have you had Russia (Gog) in the Syrian area with their only carrier group and China, as well with her only carrier (that is not even complete in her sea trials).  They are using them as floating air bases in order to carry out air strikes against our proxy CIA-backed pukes over there.  We are in a sovereign nation YET AGAIN messing with a government that has a right to self-determination.  We have NO RIGHT.  We are in the wrong – our pushing of wars is an affront to all that is right – and we must die for it – to the measure that we have caused war to be poured out upon the nations of the earth for greed and selfish interests.  May the death and destruction that will come upon this nation come first upon those who directly benefited from the hellish agenda – and then upon those who were seduced by, and voted for this minion of hell – and lastly upon those who have vigorously fought evil as they discerned it from the beginning.

A sin has been committed – a price must be paid – a modicum of suffering must be shared by all who have not extracted themselves from this fiery end.  All are complicit – unless they have purged themselves from the blood and sins of this untoward generation.  As the saying goes, we rise and fall together.  Or not at all.  In my situation, there is a hellish apostate element introduced by my MIL who chose to trample the Law of Chastity – and I had to excise the cancer after a line had been crossed.  You can choose to wallow in sin with the sinful, or you can extract yourself from Sodom and forego the resulting calamities.  Sometimes it takes multiple treatments to fully extract the cancer, sometimes cutting to the bone.  OR, people can repent and do it God’s way.  It is oh so simple, but oh so hard for thick-headed and stubborn people to get.  It runs intergenerationally.  It is a matter of breeding.  Only those who rise to the bar will be fit for the kingdom that comes here shortly.

Those who live by the sword, shall fall by the sword.  A war-mongering nation who have driven the Saints, will have war enough.  Those who have seen it, have asked to shut the vision up – it was too much for them to persist in.  Knowing what is coming, shall I proclaim peace.  NO, I will WARN my neighbor, even at peril of my good reputation.

Here is what got me spun up – plus a reading of the news for today.  Things are dire and we not just in another ME flare-up again.  This is as serious as a heart attack: