This blog is nascent and will grow over the next couple of weeks or months until it is complete and then, when fully matured, will remain in a state of completeness with few new posts and just tweakings and modifications to slides and presentations until my convoluted way of thinking and presenting is crystal clear to the “normally thinking” person…..

I am an enginerd, so I apologize in advance for the mind twist in my writing style.  There are few people who understand how I think.  My wife is one – and there are a few others.  So, it is my goal to make this thing more clear to the normal mind.  I seek out criticism on the slides and thoughts I present.  I WANT this and seek for it in order to hone the message until there is little or no confusion in it.  My goal is to have the average person walk off the street cold turkey and read it and get it completely and thoroughly, as hard as that might seem.  The message is a little complicated, so I will try and dial it in.

Here is the link to the new blog:

IE  Wood You Believe It NOW??

I would like to thank Michelle for the suggestion and the grand prize is in the mail…..
This blog was started about the same time that the A/C came to power and started his reign on October 9th, 2009 when he first received the NPP.  This was the kicking off of the 1260 day reign of peace.   Then there was a mid-point on March 22, 2013 where the tone changed as the false prophet suddenly came to power in Feb 2013 and he has been working with the AC up until the point we are at now where Russia/China/Iran/Syria will take the fight into Jerusalem. 

I will add new messages over time, using this blog to point to anything new in THE GOODS ZONE blog until it is built.  My desire is that the reader who seeks to feel or know what I will be presenting there, follows each post as it comes out.  I have a boatload of info to share, so even in its boiled-down form, there may be too much there to assimilate in one reading.  My desire is that, once I have declared it “complete”, that the reader then take the linear jog down that blog path one more time for the overview.  My hope is that by the time it is done, we will be IN IT completely and the historical evidences for the 2016 timeline will speak for itself and people will be able to use the info as a whipping post to smack the hell out of those around them who are not awake and give them the final chance they need to wake up.  If they do not – that is their problem…..  The Prophets have gone silent when it comes to speaking plainly because we will NOT listen to them on other matters, so why should they save any who have been so slovenly up to this point.  We have been relegated to parables – as it was in Jesus’ day.  We are pretty much toast right now. 

The harvest is over, so to speak.  Our day is past.  In fact, in my own world, I kind of see myself as an Ether, of sorts.  My motivations are kind of selfish at this point.  I have given up on trying to shake most awake, but am in a “strengthening of the awake” mode.  Once this hits, the day of preparation will be past and there will be no more that can be done.  The only thing I will be able to say as people panic is, I told you so.  It will not be done in a snotty manner, just actually with a tinge of sadness.  I do not like to see people suffer.  I have suffered much in life – and it is not fun, nor do I enjoy seeing others in this state.

Anyway, enough rambling…..  Enjoy the journey with me.  I have been wanting to do this for a long time – and I thank my motivator for the role that was played in getting this going.


This blog is nascent and will grow over the next couple of weeks or months until it is complete and then, when fully matured, will remain in a state of completeness with few new posts and just tweakings and modifications to slides and presentations until my convoluted way of thinking and presenting is crystal clear to the “normally thinking” person…..

I am an enginerd, so I apologize in advance for the mind twist in my writing style.  There are few people who understand how I think.  My wife is one – and there are a few others.  So, it is my goal to make this thing more clear to the normal mind.  I seek out criticism on the slides and thoughts I present.  I WANT this and seek for it in order to hone the message until there is little or no confusion in it.  My goal is to have the average person walk off the street cold turkey and read it and get it completely and thoroughly, as hard as that might seem.  The message is a little complicated, so I will try and dial it in.

Here is the link to the new blog:

IE  Wood You Believe It NOW??

I would like to thank Michelle for the suggestion and the grand prize is in the mail…..
This blog was started about the same time that the A/C came to power and started his reign on October 9th, 2009 when he first received the NPP.  This was the kicking off of the 1260 day reign of peace.   Then there was a mid-point on March 22, 2013 where the tone changed as the false prophet suddenly came to power in Feb 2013 and he has been working with the AC up until the point we are at now where Russia/China/Iran/Syria will take the fight into Jerusalem. 

I will add new messages over time, using this blog to point to anything new in THE GOODS ZONE blog until it is built.  My desire is that the reader who seeks to feel or know what I will be presenting there, follows each post as it comes out.  I have a boatload of info to share, so even in its boiled-down form, there may be too much there to assimilate in one reading.  My desire is that, once I have declared it “complete”, that the reader then take the linear jog down that blog path one more time for the overview.  My hope is that by the time it is done, we will be IN IT completely and the historical evidences for the 2016 timeline will speak for itself and people will be able to use the info as a whipping post to smack the hell out of those around them who are not awake and give them the final chance they need to wake up.  If they do not – that is their problem…..  The Prophets have gone silent when it comes to speaking plainly because we will NOT listen to them on other matters, so why should they save any who have been so slovenly up to this point.  We have been relegated to parables – as it was in Jesus’ day.  We are pretty much toast right now. 

The harvest is over, so to speak.  Our day is past.  In fact, in my own world, I kind of see myself as an Ether, of sorts.  My motivations are kind of selfish at this point.  I have given up on trying to shake most awake, but am in a “strengthening of the awake” mode.  Once this hits, the day of preparation will be past and there will be no more that can be done.  The only thing I will be able to say as people panic is, I told you so.  It will not be done in a snotty manner, just actually with a tinge of sadness.  I do not like to see people suffer.  I have suffered much in life – and it is not fun, nor do I enjoy seeing others in this state.

Anyway, enough rambling…..  Enjoy the journey with me.  I have been wanting to do this for a long time – and I thank my motivator for the role that was played in getting this going.