Folks, it is becoming clear to me (if this footage is from Damascus), that it is becoming a ruinous heap and it is now time to consider getting out of any target-rich cities – as America is about to lose her fortress.

That statement has always meant to me, that the archers that have grieved sorely after her are about to have their way with her (read missiles will rain down on her).  There are few prophecies that are more clear – at least in my mind.  I have no idea when exactly (I have been wrong before on timing), but I have NEVER been wrong on the event.  The scriptures do not lie.

We do not just live in interesting times, we live in temporally and spiritually perilous times!


Folks, it is becoming clear to me (if this footage is from Damascus), that it is becoming a ruinous heap and it is now time to consider getting out of any target-rich cities – as America is about to lose her fortress.

That statement has always meant to me, that the archers that have grieved sorely after her are about to have their way with her (read missiles will rain down on her).  There are few prophecies that are more clear – at least in my mind.  I have no idea when exactly (I have been wrong before on timing), but I have NEVER been wrong on the event.  The scriptures do not lie.

We do not just live in interesting times, we live in temporally and spiritually perilous times!