To the UN:  The USA is basically doing irreparable harm, and they need to take an active role in getting in there and cleaning things up.  The signals coming out of Russia are clear and they are these:

1)  We are a nuclear power.  The US/NATO are messing in our back yard and we are angry.  We have nukes and we are not afraid to use them.

2)  The US no longer is showing leadership in the world.  They are making things worse and doing more harm than good.  We (Russia), need to step in and sort the mess out.

My analysis of this and what has been spoken of prophetically, is that the balance of power is about to shift in the world.  IF Russia were to launch nukes without presenting the case against the nuked country, Russia would be hated as well as feared.  The world already has a deep seated hatred for the USA because we have messed in most every country – mostly for our own gain.  At least when China goes into an African nation for example to exploit resources, etc – they usually perform copious amounts of public service kinds of stuff, which extends good will to the people.  When the USA goes in, not so much.  We do not have the hearts and minds of the people of the world.  We just use our influence and power to bully the people/nation and it goes downhill from there.

Once Russia has built the case that the USA is irrelevant (especially economically, after a collapse), and some event causes things to go over the edge – not sure what that will be at this point – then they will have the moral high ground to push the red button and go for it.  And, with the case clearly presented, they will have the support of other nations to do the dirty on us.  Kind of like how we went about nuking Japan at the end of WWII – though there was far less of a sense of “global community” at that juncture than there is now.  We did not have to build a case – we just did it.

Folks, I am not reading too much into this.  This analysis is spot on.  When I want things, sometimes it is tempting to superimpose how I see things over the reality of a situation.  This is not one of those cases.  There has been an overt shift in how Russia is handling things and what is coming out in the propaganda organs.  I am a little concerned that China has been as quiet as they are in the recent developments – other than sending their new aircraft carrier over to Syria, even though it has not passed sea trials, etc.  Basically, they are going to use it as a floating air base to join in on the foray….

I would have never been able to see this.  Somehow, the attention will be turned from ISIS to suddenly move on Israel – possibly after Israel acts brashly on an Iranian nuke hitting Tel Aviv and they in turn, over react and flatten major Iranian cities.  This is just my guess – based on Menet and some people who are highly placed in Israeli intelligence that I just randomly bumped into and was able to mine some info out of.  Scripture bears this scenario out.

It is all very interesting and fun to speculate.

Here is what got me spun up:


To the UN:  The USA is basically doing irreparable harm, and they need to take an active role in getting in there and cleaning things up.  The signals coming out of Russia are clear and they are these:

1)  We are a nuclear power.  The US/NATO are messing in our back yard and we are angry.  We have nukes and we are not afraid to use them.

2)  The US no longer is showing leadership in the world.  They are making things worse and doing more harm than good.  We (Russia), need to step in and sort the mess out.

My analysis of this and what has been spoken of prophetically, is that the balance of power is about to shift in the world.  IF Russia were to launch nukes without presenting the case against the nuked country, Russia would be hated as well as feared.  The world already has a deep seated hatred for the USA because we have messed in most every country – mostly for our own gain.  At least when China goes into an African nation for example to exploit resources, etc – they usually perform copious amounts of public service kinds of stuff, which extends good will to the people.  When the USA goes in, not so much.  We do not have the hearts and minds of the people of the world.  We just use our influence and power to bully the people/nation and it goes downhill from there.

Once Russia has built the case that the USA is irrelevant (especially economically, after a collapse), and some event causes things to go over the edge – not sure what that will be at this point – then they will have the moral high ground to push the red button and go for it.  And, with the case clearly presented, they will have the support of other nations to do the dirty on us.  Kind of like how we went about nuking Japan at the end of WWII – though there was far less of a sense of “global community” at that juncture than there is now.  We did not have to build a case – we just did it.

Folks, I am not reading too much into this.  This analysis is spot on.  When I want things, sometimes it is tempting to superimpose how I see things over the reality of a situation.  This is not one of those cases.  There has been an overt shift in how Russia is handling things and what is coming out in the propaganda organs.  I am a little concerned that China has been as quiet as they are in the recent developments – other than sending their new aircraft carrier over to Syria, even though it has not passed sea trials, etc.  Basically, they are going to use it as a floating air base to join in on the foray….

I would have never been able to see this.  Somehow, the attention will be turned from ISIS to suddenly move on Israel – possibly after Israel acts brashly on an Iranian nuke hitting Tel Aviv and they in turn, over react and flatten major Iranian cities.  This is just my guess – based on Menet and some people who are highly placed in Israeli intelligence that I just randomly bumped into and was able to mine some info out of.  Scripture bears this scenario out.

It is all very interesting and fun to speculate.

Here is what got me spun up: