For some time now, I have been enamored with Putin.  I would gladly vote for him over bummer or any other world leader.  I am taken in by decisiveness and boldness.  If someone possesses those qualities, I am likely to respond (and thus the deception by Trump in a sea of middle grounders, he is the emerging leader that most of us are drawn to). 

It is all by design, castrate those in the field and present a clear choice for the people to cling to.  It worked to get a megalomaniac in power in the form of Hitler.  It is working again today in the form of Putin.  He literally is being put forward on the world stage here (picturing Palpatine and so many other obvious switch and bait choices here).

Here is the latest, “draw him into your bosom” move by TPTB.  You are being deceived on a global scale as we speak.  It is breathtaking for me to watch.  It has taken every bit of discernment I have to see through this and not be fooled.  My interpretation is correct.  They are going to collapse the USA and leave the one clear choice here shortly – to go in for the kill of the Lord’s Chosen People.  Get ready for it:

We are being deceived right now – indoctrinated to love Vlad – because we are about to be impaled by him. 


For some time now, I have been enamored with Putin.  I would gladly vote for him over bummer or any other world leader.  I am taken in by decisiveness and boldness.  If someone possesses those qualities, I am likely to respond (and thus the deception by Trump in a sea of middle grounders, he is the emerging leader that most of us are drawn to). 

It is all by design, castrate those in the field and present a clear choice for the people to cling to.  It worked to get a megalomaniac in power in the form of Hitler.  It is working again today in the form of Putin.  He literally is being put forward on the world stage here (picturing Palpatine and so many other obvious switch and bait choices here).

Here is the latest, “draw him into your bosom” move by TPTB.  You are being deceived on a global scale as we speak.  It is breathtaking for me to watch.  It has taken every bit of discernment I have to see through this and not be fooled.  My interpretation is correct.  They are going to collapse the USA and leave the one clear choice here shortly – to go in for the kill of the Lord’s Chosen People.  Get ready for it:

We are being deceived right now – indoctrinated to love Vlad – because we are about to be impaled by him.