Because of my erratic engineering support schedule, I am not a morning person at all.  I was interested though when my daughter mentioned something in the eastern sky and I had her get me up this morning to see it.  A beautiful sight indeed of what appears to be the same thing I saw in the western evening sky earlier this year – and what I will call the Bethlehem star (a conjunction of   planets, actually).  I found a nice depiction of what we are seeing:

Hope you are able to enjoy it.

Also, have to mention that I am happy at having hit my second million page views in less than a year.  It took well over five years to get to the first million.  It is nice to see the hours of blog work is paying off.  Without a blog, I still would do my own research on stuff that interests me, but sharing and knowing others are getting something useful from it is gratifying for me.  It is my personal mission, of sorts.  I hope to have influenced many to get ready for the imminent return of Christ to the earth with its attendant difficulties and promised joys.  I was telling my wife that I hope to have brought those with a knowledge of Christ, closer to Him and possibly a few with no testimony of Him, possibly into the waters of baptism and conversion to the true gospel of peace and happiness in
Godly living.  Just one success story would make it all worth it. 

I want to say here, that I have radically altered personal plans with the recent reception of some news from Spencer about timing.  We may have some big-time changes coming shortly in these days of Awe – not sure exactly.  I will have more info in a few days.   I am hopeful I can share it and that it will lead to events rapidly transpiring…..  Heaven knows I would like things to zip along.  I am ready for the change.


Because of my erratic engineering support schedule, I am not a morning person at all.  I was interested though when my daughter mentioned something in the eastern sky and I had her get me up this morning to see it.  A beautiful sight indeed of what appears to be the same thing I saw in the western evening sky earlier this year – and what I will call the Bethlehem star (a conjunction of   planets, actually).  I found a nice depiction of what we are seeing:

Hope you are able to enjoy it.

Also, have to mention that I am happy at having hit my second million page views in less than a year.  It took well over five years to get to the first million.  It is nice to see the hours of blog work is paying off.  Without a blog, I still would do my own research on stuff that interests me, but sharing and knowing others are getting something useful from it is gratifying for me.  It is my personal mission, of sorts.  I hope to have influenced many to get ready for the imminent return of Christ to the earth with its attendant difficulties and promised joys.  I was telling my wife that I hope to have brought those with a knowledge of Christ, closer to Him and possibly a few with no testimony of Him, possibly into the waters of baptism and conversion to the true gospel of peace and happiness in
Godly living.  Just one success story would make it all worth it. 

I want to say here, that I have radically altered personal plans with the recent reception of some news from Spencer about timing.  We may have some big-time changes coming shortly in these days of Awe – not sure exactly.  I will have more info in a few days.   I am hopeful I can share it and that it will lead to events rapidly transpiring…..  Heaven knows I would like things to zip along.  I am ready for the change.