Here is the Chapter Summary for Chapters 9-14:

2. Events preceding the Lord’s Second Coming. (a) Zech. 9–11. An invasion from the north sweeps over Damascus, Tyre, and the Philistines; the last are incorporated in Israel (9:1–7). Zion is saved; her King comes to her righteous and victorious, meek, and a prince of peace (9:8–10). Her captives are restored, and Judah and Ephraim, miraculously strengthened of God, are victorious over the Greeks and shall no more seek to diviners, but to the Lord (9:11–10:2). (b) A similar theme. Good shepherds displace the evil ones; Judah miraculously strengthened, with Ephraim fully restored, shall humble the pride of Assyria and Egypt (10:3–12). (c) Invasion of Lebanon and the Jordan-land (11:1–3). The prophet is commissioned to feed the flock destined for slaughter (11:4–8); renounces the thankless task (11:9–14); the flock falls into the hands of an evil shepherd (11:15–17). (d) Zech. 12–14. Final war of the nations against Jerusalem, and their defeat (12:1–9). (e) The Spirit poured out on Jerusalem, and a fountain opened for sin and uncleanness (12:10–13:6). (f) Zech. 14 appears to be a duplicate of Zech. 12, with the difference that Jerusalem falls for a time into the hands of the nations before the Lord appears for her salvation.

 Please note that the forces from the north is about to sweep over Damascus…..


Here is the Chapter Summary for Chapters 9-14:

2. Events preceding the Lord’s Second Coming. (a) Zech. 9–11. An invasion from the north sweeps over Damascus, Tyre, and the Philistines; the last are incorporated in Israel (9:1–7). Zion is saved; her King comes to her righteous and victorious, meek, and a prince of peace (9:8–10). Her captives are restored, and Judah and Ephraim, miraculously strengthened of God, are victorious over the Greeks and shall no more seek to diviners, but to the Lord (9:11–10:2). (b) A similar theme. Good shepherds displace the evil ones; Judah miraculously strengthened, with Ephraim fully restored, shall humble the pride of Assyria and Egypt (10:3–12). (c) Invasion of Lebanon and the Jordan-land (11:1–3). The prophet is commissioned to feed the flock destined for slaughter (11:4–8); renounces the thankless task (11:9–14); the flock falls into the hands of an evil shepherd (11:15–17). (d) Zech. 12–14. Final war of the nations against Jerusalem, and their defeat (12:1–9). (e) The Spirit poured out on Jerusalem, and a fountain opened for sin and uncleanness (12:10–13:6). (f) Zech. 14 appears to be a duplicate of Zech. 12, with the difference that Jerusalem falls for a time into the hands of the nations before the Lord appears for her salvation.

 Please note that the forces from the north is about to sweep over Damascus…..