If there will be persecution due to this – bring it.  I am sick of the (“tolerance”-preaching) intolerant deviant leftists in the homosexual lobby.  Their ending agenda is to destroy God’s sacred unit of the family. 

I have a fMIL who spent most of her adult life trying to destroy the marriages of her children – so that, in her misery, she would have company.  Most of those children – after seeing her motivations and subtle chicanery, have completely rejected her as their mother and as someone who has their best interests in mind.  The mechanism is the same – someone loses the Spirit of the Lord, and people close to them run for the exits.  Usually, their marriages do not last – and then they, in their miserable condition (instead of seeking to repent of sin), seek to make others miserable “like unto themselves”.  This is the MO of the satanically-controlled.  And yes, I have witnessed them hearing voices in their heads and the like.  It is a sad and lonely place for these folks – at, or near, the rock bottom of the spiritual cesspool.

So, those who have drifted into spiritual oblivion whether in this phase of existence, or a pre-mortal realm, will fight against what is good and right until they are fully “kicking against the pricks”.  Wickedness NEVER was happiness.  End of argument.

I am better with numbers than with words, so sometimes – it is better to let other, more eloquent people state the case.  This blog post does that nicely:


from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1GOPVi5


If there will be persecution due to this – bring it.  I am sick of the (“tolerance”-preaching) intolerant deviant leftists in the homosexual lobby.  Their ending agenda is to destroy God’s sacred unit of the family. 

I have a fMIL who spent most of her adult life trying to destroy the marriages of her children – so that, in her misery, she would have company.  Most of those children – after seeing her motivations and subtle chicanery, have completely rejected her as their mother and as someone who has their best interests in mind.  The mechanism is the same – someone loses the Spirit of the Lord, and people close to them run for the exits.  Usually, their marriages do not last – and then they, in their miserable condition (instead of seeking to repent of sin), seek to make others miserable “like unto themselves”.  This is the MO of the satanically-controlled.  And yes, I have witnessed them hearing voices in their heads and the like.  It is a sad and lonely place for these folks – at, or near, the rock bottom of the spiritual cesspool.

So, those who have drifted into spiritual oblivion whether in this phase of existence, or a pre-mortal realm, will fight against what is good and right until they are fully “kicking against the pricks”.  Wickedness NEVER was happiness.  End of argument.

I am better with numbers than with words, so sometimes – it is better to let other, more eloquent people state the case.  This blog post does that nicely:
