I have a lead at work that is just about completely opposed in my views on everything.  He was a high school debate team jock and likes to hammer things out in debate.  I used to like to argue about everything, but the kitten is largely gone from me and I am more of a easy going tiger and am more wont to purr these days instead of hissing…..

I still never back down from the truth.  You can still bring the fight out in this old battle-weary lion if you challenge truth.  Usually, I will start it in a deferential manner saying, “You know, I do not blame you for thinking that way.  I used to, until I gained experience and wisdom.  Now, I feel this way…..”.

It diffuses the argument the other person may have and they are more prone to listen – getting themselves out of battle mode.

Here is something from a FB pal that I like – and who takes on the conventional thinking on most things like I do.  Nothing worse than a sheeple, right??

I think most people would agree that Jesus and Joseph Smith were polarizing individuals. Joseph smith was told his name would be had for good and evil. Jesus was loved and hated by large groups of people during his mortal ministry. He continues to be loved and hated to this day.
Why are these individuals so polarizing? I believe it is because they stood for truth and fearlessly proclaimed it. With this is mind where do each one of us stand? Are we universally popular and well liked? Is it a good thing to be liked by all? Or, like Jesus and all prophets throughout time, are we loved by those who love the truth, but also despised by others because we have stood up for truth, and spoken out against oppression and injustice? Are we polarizing as were these great men who led the way? Is it a bad or good thing to be polarizing? I believe that we cannot be clearly on the side of truth if we haven’t made some enemies along the way. Life isn’t a popularity contest. Life’s challenge is much bigger than that.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1HFVRu9


I have a lead at work that is just about completely opposed in my views on everything.  He was a high school debate team jock and likes to hammer things out in debate.  I used to like to argue about everything, but the kitten is largely gone from me and I am more of a easy going tiger and am more wont to purr these days instead of hissing…..

I still never back down from the truth.  You can still bring the fight out in this old battle-weary lion if you challenge truth.  Usually, I will start it in a deferential manner saying, “You know, I do not blame you for thinking that way.  I used to, until I gained experience and wisdom.  Now, I feel this way…..”.

It diffuses the argument the other person may have and they are more prone to listen – getting themselves out of battle mode.

Here is something from a FB pal that I like – and who takes on the conventional thinking on most things like I do.  Nothing worse than a sheeple, right??

I think most people would agree that Jesus and Joseph Smith were polarizing individuals. Joseph smith was told his name would be had for good and evil. Jesus was loved and hated by large groups of people during his mortal ministry. He continues to be loved and hated to this day.
Why are these individuals so polarizing? I believe it is because they stood for truth and fearlessly proclaimed it. With this is mind where do each one of us stand? Are we universally popular and well liked? Is it a good thing to be liked by all? Or, like Jesus and all prophets throughout time, are we loved by those who love the truth, but also despised by others because we have stood up for truth, and spoken out against oppression and injustice? Are we polarizing as were these great men who led the way? Is it a bad or good thing to be polarizing? I believe that we cannot be clearly on the side of truth if we haven’t made some enemies along the way. Life isn’t a popularity contest. Life’s challenge is much bigger than that.