As with trees, potable water or any other resource, it is a sustainability issue (not using it faster than it is being depleted).

So, go home American “geologists” with your Al Gore ideologies – you are drunk……

At least the vodka slurping Russian geologists got it right with their abiotic oil theories.  Whenever you have limestone (CaCO3) + water (H2O) + heat + pressure plus a nice impervious salt layer above all of this great chemistry to trap the synthesized by-products; you will have the carbon and hydrogen required to make oil through natural processes (creating the hydrocarbon chains geo-synthetically) beyond a bunch of compressed, rotten swamp goo and dead dinos that is currently the prevailing lie…..

So yeah, I get really tired of all the hype and hysteria that try to create artificial demand and scare the people into a mind set of limited supply just to jack the prices and make the elite rich.  Those who control the media and the information of the masses, make the wealth at the expense of the ignorant.  Self education is so important…..

Right now, I am sitting atop the world’s greatest single reservoir of oil in existence.  On what was largely considered junk land – and subsequently given to the natives for a reserve – they believe they have found the reservoir whose “leak” led to the Athabasca Oil Sands up north in Edmonton.  That reserve they are currently exploiting in Alberta contains 2-3 times more oil than Saudi Arabia’s reserves currently are estimates at.  When the Alberta mother lode is tapped, it will provide Canada with 100 years of oil.  Same thing with reserves in Israel.  The gas off the Mediterranean coast alone is astounding, let alone what they have found in the Megiddo region.  The gas and its possible transmission to European markets (thus competing with Russian interests), is part of the equation of what is going on over in Syria.  Another larger part of the equation is the transmission of oil products from Saudi Arabia through Syria to European markets.  Iran does not want it – along with Russia, etc.  China does not want it, because it will provide a direct market to Europe of ME oil products and may bypass their interests.  We really are getting into a quagmire.  Sick, greedy people are willing to throw it all away – billions of lives, over a little treasure of this earth.  A cleansing is in order…..

Here is the article that got me spun up:


As with trees, potable water or any other resource, it is a sustainability issue (not using it faster than it is being depleted).

So, go home American “geologists” with your Al Gore ideologies – you are drunk……

At least the vodka slurping Russian geologists got it right with their abiotic oil theories.  Whenever you have limestone (CaCO3) + water (H2O) + heat + pressure plus a nice impervious salt layer above all of this great chemistry to trap the synthesized by-products; you will have the carbon and hydrogen required to make oil through natural processes (creating the hydrocarbon chains geo-synthetically) beyond a bunch of compressed, rotten swamp goo and dead dinos that is currently the prevailing lie…..

So yeah, I get really tired of all the hype and hysteria that try to create artificial demand and scare the people into a mind set of limited supply just to jack the prices and make the elite rich.  Those who control the media and the information of the masses, make the wealth at the expense of the ignorant.  Self education is so important…..

Right now, I am sitting atop the world’s greatest single reservoir of oil in existence.  On what was largely considered junk land – and subsequently given to the natives for a reserve – they believe they have found the reservoir whose “leak” led to the Athabasca Oil Sands up north in Edmonton.  That reserve they are currently exploiting in Alberta contains 2-3 times more oil than Saudi Arabia’s reserves currently are estimates at.  When the Alberta mother lode is tapped, it will provide Canada with 100 years of oil.  Same thing with reserves in Israel.  The gas off the Mediterranean coast alone is astounding, let alone what they have found in the Megiddo region.  The gas and its possible transmission to European markets (thus competing with Russian interests), is part of the equation of what is going on over in Syria.  Another larger part of the equation is the transmission of oil products from Saudi Arabia through Syria to European markets.  Iran does not want it – along with Russia, etc.  China does not want it, because it will provide a direct market to Europe of ME oil products and may bypass their interests.  We really are getting into a quagmire.  Sick, greedy people are willing to throw it all away – billions of lives, over a little treasure of this earth.  A cleansing is in order…..

Here is the article that got me spun up: