I received this from a friend who is obviously WAY ahead of me in pondering and thinking on deep things and symbolisms – because I have to say that it kind of blew my mind.  It is not complex, but it is simple yet beautiful and answers MANY questions about how things are done once a temple has been desecrated.  Kudos to this friend who is attuned enough to have come to this conclusion not by reading, but through the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.

Beautiful!  It only makes sense that this would be like Sinai, Horeb and so many other sacred locations.  I crave the privilege of a visit there to sense the grandeur of what occurred on that night so many centuries ago:

I have come to the conclusion that as we pass beyond the veil in the temple we too have entered into the realm of eternity where all things past, present and future can be made manifested as one eternal now. Each of us can receive the truth (things as they are, were and are to come) anywhere but especially in that place beyond the veil in the celestial room and sealing rooms where time is non-existent as it were.

    Maybe that is why we have been asked to take off our watches when we go to the temple. Why concern ourselves with time when we will be in that literal portal to the realm of eternity beyond the veil? Many saints think that the veil represents the veil to the next life, it does not. It is symbolic of the veil that separates us from the realm of eternity (The direct presence of Christ). Each Holy of Holies was and is a literal portal to God’s realm where the visions of eternity are ever present. 
    The exceeding high mountains where many prophets of old were taken by the Spirit of God to see those visions became the Holy of Holies for each prophet taken there, beyond the realm of Time. Now the celestial room and the sealing rooms which are beyond the veil of time are our personal Holy of Holies, as it were, for us to enjoy the things of the Spirit, the things of the eternal realm of God.
     I think it is also interesting that after Judas left the last supper Jesus took the remaining 11 apostles to the Garden of Gethsemane, he left 8 witnesses outside the Garden (8 witnesses to the Book of Mormon as well) he took 3 witnesses into the garden (3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon) and then He went the “stone’s throw” further himself. (the BoM is the greatest written witness of the atonement we have).
    The Garden of Gethsemane became the temple on the earth since Herod’s temple have been unworthy of Christ. The outer court (8 apostles outside the garden) the telestial or world room in our temples. The inner court, or Holy Place (3 apostles inside the garden) the terrestrial room of our temples. The “stone’s throw further” became the Holy of Holies. Christ himself had to suffer in the realm of eternity so his Atonement would be infinite and eternal. This is the celestial room and the sealing rooms beyond the veil, the veil of time. Everlasting has a Hebrew origin. The root word “elam” means hidden or veiled. God is hidden or veiled from us until we prove ourselves worthy to enter his presence by passing through the veil, into his realm, the realm of eternity, the realm of everlasting. Christ’s Atonement was already in place before any of us became spirit offspring of God. It happened in the realm of eternity.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1M7yQiu


I received this from a friend who is obviously WAY ahead of me in pondering and thinking on deep things and symbolisms – because I have to say that it kind of blew my mind.  It is not complex, but it is simple yet beautiful and answers MANY questions about how things are done once a temple has been desecrated.  Kudos to this friend who is attuned enough to have come to this conclusion not by reading, but through the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.

Beautiful!  It only makes sense that this would be like Sinai, Horeb and so many other sacred locations.  I crave the privilege of a visit there to sense the grandeur of what occurred on that night so many centuries ago:

I have come to the conclusion that as we pass beyond the veil in the temple we too have entered into the realm of eternity where all things past, present and future can be made manifested as one eternal now. Each of us can receive the truth (things as they are, were and are to come) anywhere but especially in that place beyond the veil in the celestial room and sealing rooms where time is non-existent as it were.

    Maybe that is why we have been asked to take off our watches when we go to the temple. Why concern ourselves with time when we will be in that literal portal to the realm of eternity beyond the veil? Many saints think that the veil represents the veil to the next life, it does not. It is symbolic of the veil that separates us from the realm of eternity (The direct presence of Christ). Each Holy of Holies was and is a literal portal to God’s realm where the visions of eternity are ever present. 
    The exceeding high mountains where many prophets of old were taken by the Spirit of God to see those visions became the Holy of Holies for each prophet taken there, beyond the realm of Time. Now the celestial room and the sealing rooms which are beyond the veil of time are our personal Holy of Holies, as it were, for us to enjoy the things of the Spirit, the things of the eternal realm of God.
     I think it is also interesting that after Judas left the last supper Jesus took the remaining 11 apostles to the Garden of Gethsemane, he left 8 witnesses outside the Garden (8 witnesses to the Book of Mormon as well) he took 3 witnesses into the garden (3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon) and then He went the “stone’s throw” further himself. (the BoM is the greatest written witness of the atonement we have).
    The Garden of Gethsemane became the temple on the earth since Herod’s temple have been unworthy of Christ. The outer court (8 apostles outside the garden) the telestial or world room in our temples. The inner court, or Holy Place (3 apostles inside the garden) the terrestrial room of our temples. The “stone’s throw further” became the Holy of Holies. Christ himself had to suffer in the realm of eternity so his Atonement would be infinite and eternal. This is the celestial room and the sealing rooms beyond the veil, the veil of time. Everlasting has a Hebrew origin. The root word “elam” means hidden or veiled. God is hidden or veiled from us until we prove ourselves worthy to enter his presence by passing through the veil, into his realm, the realm of eternity, the realm of everlasting. Christ’s Atonement was already in place before any of us became spirit offspring of God. It happened in the realm of eternity.