In a flight test scenario, I have flown in the exact passenger airplane (with aggressive Air Force pilots at the controls) that is claimed to have flown into the Pentagon – and I know that it is not possible to do those maneuvers required to get it into the attitude required for the impact zone.  This is just ONE of the reasons that there is a group formed by airline pilots for truth against the lies of 9/11.

It is all smoke and mirrors.  I mentioned this to a gal on the DC metro as we were approaching the Pentagon and you would have thought I was offering to share a poop cream pie with her.  She physically got up and went to the other end of the car.  Yep, people are under a grand delusion.  How dare people question the official narrative…..  Sad.  The fact is that we live in a police state with a controlled media.  Thank goodness for the internet that is still somewhat free for the time being.

Here is the vid that has the goods:


In a flight test scenario, I have flown in the exact passenger airplane (with aggressive Air Force pilots at the controls) that is claimed to have flown into the Pentagon – and I know that it is not possible to do those maneuvers required to get it into the attitude required for the impact zone.  This is just ONE of the reasons that there is a group formed by airline pilots for truth against the lies of 9/11.

It is all smoke and mirrors.  I mentioned this to a gal on the DC metro as we were approaching the Pentagon and you would have thought I was offering to share a poop cream pie with her.  She physically got up and went to the other end of the car.  Yep, people are under a grand delusion.  How dare people question the official narrative…..  Sad.  The fact is that we live in a police state with a controlled media.  Thank goodness for the internet that is still somewhat free for the time being.

Here is the vid that has the goods: