I have been VERY clear on the matter.  There is no place in the world for a union between a man and a man.  Or, a woman and a woman.  It produces NO children – no where, EVER in nature.  Put two people in a vacuum of the same gender – and there will be two dessicated corpses in 100 years – nothing else.  There is NOTHING in nature that supports a union between two animals or insects of the same gender unless they parasitically feed off of other relationships (adoption, stealing children etc).  Nothing in the sexual acts of a gay union support reality without artificial means to prop it up.  It is not self-supporting.  There is no natural lubrication in the anus, for example.  When a man and a woman come together in union, there is a natural process that brings the two to a natural conclusion of generating children – from mating parts that fit like a glove, to proper timing and location of lubrication to the orgasm of the individuals bringing seed into contact with the other’s seed after copulation.  The very act – in repetition, by two people who are committed to and who care for each other – brings a family into existence.  This family and proper modeling of roles, perpetuates the species and keeps societies intact.  The roles are very clear and defined – as spelled out in the Proclamation on the Family.  To a normal-thinking person, it needs no introduction or explanation.  It is natural, uncomplicated and occurs spontaneously in nature…… 

The other stuff??  A complete delusion, perversion and is manufactured from an unnatural state of being.  It is sick and twisted to a person who is not suffering from a state of mental illness (yes, I DO support the old definition of homosexuality, as spelled out in the 1970’s DSHM).  For those who have been abused and think that gay sexuality is normal, there is help and therapy for that.  Yes, it is a trap designed to create misery by a being whose existence spells misery.  Therapy and repentance of intentional sin, brings mental/emotional/spiritual relief of the maladies that beset the one trapped in sin.

Simply put, wickedness NEVER was happiness – no matter how the left and the perverted attempt to package it……

Here is a succinct rebuttal of the lies being circulated by the SL Trib.  And, if my favorite troll from Annabella is still rolling with my rhetoric – yes, the SL Tribulation is not a good place to get info that is unbiased….:


from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1NWvNu8


I have been VERY clear on the matter.  There is no place in the world for a union between a man and a man.  Or, a woman and a woman.  It produces NO children – no where, EVER in nature.  Put two people in a vacuum of the same gender – and there will be two dessicated corpses in 100 years – nothing else.  There is NOTHING in nature that supports a union between two animals or insects of the same gender unless they parasitically feed off of other relationships (adoption, stealing children etc).  Nothing in the sexual acts of a gay union support reality without artificial means to prop it up.  It is not self-supporting.  There is no natural lubrication in the anus, for example.  When a man and a woman come together in union, there is a natural process that brings the two to a natural conclusion of generating children – from mating parts that fit like a glove, to proper timing and location of lubrication to the orgasm of the individuals bringing seed into contact with the other’s seed after copulation.  The very act – in repetition, by two people who are committed to and who care for each other – brings a family into existence.  This family and proper modeling of roles, perpetuates the species and keeps societies intact.  The roles are very clear and defined – as spelled out in the Proclamation on the Family.  To a normal-thinking person, it needs no introduction or explanation.  It is natural, uncomplicated and occurs spontaneously in nature…… 

The other stuff??  A complete delusion, perversion and is manufactured from an unnatural state of being.  It is sick and twisted to a person who is not suffering from a state of mental illness (yes, I DO support the old definition of homosexuality, as spelled out in the 1970’s DSHM).  For those who have been abused and think that gay sexuality is normal, there is help and therapy for that.  Yes, it is a trap designed to create misery by a being whose existence spells misery.  Therapy and repentance of intentional sin, brings mental/emotional/spiritual relief of the maladies that beset the one trapped in sin.

Simply put, wickedness NEVER was happiness – no matter how the left and the perverted attempt to package it……

Here is a succinct rebuttal of the lies being circulated by the SL Trib.  And, if my favorite troll from Annabella is still rolling with my rhetoric – yes, the SL Tribulation is not a good place to get info that is unbiased….:
