I have vaguely seen this as I was driving into downtown one time.  Very faint – almost imperceptible.

This is what I expect to happen to the area at a minimum.  The Puget Sound is a strategic target and would have to be knocked out in some form, if the US were attacked.  It simply has too much valuable assets to ignore – and would be prime for a counter-attack, if not neutralized at the start.

Here is an interesting vision or dream that seems to say what would be inevitable.  Not from an LDS guy, but was on FB and thought I would share.  Take it, like anything on this blog, with a grain of salt:

Here is a dream by Nathan Leal of an EMP over Seattle, WA.

“I Saw an American City Attacked! – Destruction from the Sky!”
A Prophetic Dream about Seattle, Washington
Nathan Leal – March 8, 2013
Note – This vision revealed Seattle, Washington getting hit with a Nuclear EMP!
In the beginning of 2013, I sought God about the matters at hand. I had been asking Him to show me the things to come.
On the night of February 19, 2013, the Lord answered my prayer and gave me a glimpse of things to come through a prophetic dream. After praying about it and seeking Him, He has given me the clearance to share it so that I can warn the people.
(Note – The Timing of the Following Dream is Unknown.)
Dream Begins:
I was in a building looking out of a window with other people that I did not know. When the dream first began, I did not know where I was. But as the dream progressed, images began to appear before me.
The sky became filled with very dark clouds of the evening. The clouds resembled those of an impending thunderstorm. They were dark and very thick. From time to time, lightning flashed within them.
After a few moments, the skyline of Seattle, Washington appeared before me. I could see all of the downtown buildings of the city and beyond. I also noticed that I was at a high vantage point. I was at a location in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, east of Seattle.
This meant that I was looking west towards Seattle and the Pacific Ocean. I could see all of the downtown area, as well as the landscape to the south and the north. I could also see the waters of Puget Sound located beyond downtown Seattle.
Unexpectedly, chaos erupted! The sky became darker.
From the south of downtown, I saw a glowing fireball coming out of the sky. It approached at an angle in slow motion.
I could see that it was not aiming towards the downtown area, but was headed beyond the location south of downtown and across the waters of Puget Sound.
Suddenly, missiles from the ground began to launch towards the approaching threat. I saw five to six missiles go into the sky towards the attacking fireball.
As I watched them launch, I was not sure what kind of missiles they were but I wondered to myself “Patriot Missiles?”
As they launched, the missiles also traveled in slow motion. But unfortunately, they missed and flew past the target! I remembered thinking, “Oh no! They missed!”
In the continuing chaos, a craft flew past me and also went towards the falling threat. The flying craft looked like some sort of drone or odd looking missile. It had narrow wings and was white and blue.
Suddenly, to the north of the downtown buildings, an explosion occurred in the sky. The blast was very high. It seemed to explode across the waters of the Puget Sound.
It appeared to occur several miles away from the city center. It did not explode into a mushroom cloud. Instead it exploded into a ball that became very bright and large. The ball remained a sphere as it expanded.
The explosion was so bright that I had to duck and look away.
After a moment of waiting, I again looked out of the window and saw the flash dissipating. As it started fading I said, “That was an EMP!”
I was wondering when the blast would reach me but it never did. I guess that as an observer in the dream. I was protected.
As I examined the post traumatic landscape, I was shocked by what I saw.
Every building before me in downtown Seattle had its windows blown out. Many were damaged but many were still standing. Pillars of smoke rose throughout, from the streets below. Dust was everywhere.
I became very sad. I do not know how many people were hurt in this event.
After I woke up, I was very disturbed. I needed to find answers.
I went online to look at the Seattle landscape on Google maps. Based on what I saw in my dream, I was able to find my approximate location. I was also able to calculate an approximation of where the objects were headed and/or exploded.
When I examined the points of impact, this glimpse became very DISTURBING!
It appears that west of Seattle across the Puget Sound are several military bases and installations.
The area of the lower assault is the Bremerton Naval Base and Shipyard. Many of our ships are there. I saw the anti-missiles try to respond but miss. I do not understand why they missed! I thought that we had an impregnable shield. (More on that later.)
In my dream, in the other area North of Bremerton, I saw an explosion in the air.
The area under the explosion turns out that it is also a military base, a substantial one!
From Wikipedia: It is called Naval Base Kitsap. It is a U.S. Navy base located on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State. It was created in 2004 by merging the former Naval Station Bremerton with Naval Submarine Base Bangor.
The Mission of Naval Base Kitsap is to serve as the home base for the Navy’s fleet throughout West Puget Sound and to provide base operating services, including support for both surface ships and Fleet Ballistic.
In my dream the explosion in the air occurred over this base!!!
What Was It?
After I had this dream, I wondered if the flying objects were nuclear missiles or meteors.
I prayed and asked God for details and more information. At this moment in time, I do not have an answer.
Therefore, I am not sure what they were. I have many questions about this event.
If they were meteors, why would they attack two military bases? And could a meteor cause an EMP?
Was the first one a meteor? And was the second one that exploded in the air a “Tactical EMP Missile” of some sort?
I am still seeking God for answers. One thing I have learned about prophetic dreams. They are just glimpses, partial images. They are never a complete picture. We only “know in part” and “prophesy in part.”
But folks, I do know this, God did tell me to share this dream. He wants all people to be warned that events are coming that will test men’s hearts!
America will experience an attack. This dream event will be one of several cities that will experience these things.
For those of you that are wondering – “When?”
God Revealed that it will occur when people least expect it. Will it be soon? Or later? Will it happen within months or years from now? That part I do not know.
Over the past few months, I have been sharing many details about America’s coming demise. The things that she is experiencing right now are a part of God’s Divine Judgment.
America is NOT in a recovery! Her dismantling is still in motion. Thus far, most of her pain has been in the economic sector, but eventually, she will start to experience a new category of judgment. ….WAR!!!
As these things take place, God has also shown me in prophetic dreams that America will be attacked in a very ominous and destructive manner. This means that several American cities will see great destruction. American cities WILL BURN!
Ladies and Gentlemen, over the past few years, I have seen cities burning through prophetic glimpses! Sharing these things brings no pleasure!
It brings much pain!
In my early years, I never thought that America could ever get attacked! But this was before God showed me.
The Withering Hedge!
America’s Divine hedge of protection has been removed. Her walls of solitude and safety have crumbled. Her pillars of strength have fractured and toppled.
As a result, right now, America is in very dangerous territory.
Without God protecting her, how can she remain safe and preserved?
The majority of today’s Americans place no confidence in God. They do not see the point. So sadly, America will be left as a progressive thistle blowing in the wind.
The ungodly take pride in their leanings to the left. But folks, at what point will her dry stalk break? How far can she lean before she tumbles?
Her bones have become dry and fallow; a brittle soul in the wilderness. Will the world give her a drink? Or are they waiting to watch her die of thirst?
Grass always fades and America will soon learn the fate of her misleading self-reliance.
Folks, if you live within the borders of America and you do not know why the USA is sick, please seek to find an understanding of why she is going through this. The reason is NOT only a physical reason from the mind of logic and rational….
For those of you who might live in the Seattle area, you may be wondering, “What to do?”
I asked God about that. He said, “Those that need to move away, are being shown what to do.”
In other words, if you are asking Him, He will tell you what to do.
Unfortunately, God also told me that most people do not listen to His voice when it comes to these things. Again, I do not have the timing for this event. It could be years away.
As a reminder, both David Wilkerson and Dumitru Duduman saw America burning in prophetic visions. They saw these things MANY years ago! God’s warning is always in advance; sometimes many years in advance. So will this attack happen soon? I do not know. Therefore, please follow the leading of the Holy Spirit for your personal relocation plans.
One thing to note about the explosion that I saw, it did not appear to be a regular nuclear event. It appeared to be an EMP. So here is the question. If you live in a city, can you ride out an EMP event? Only you can answer that question.
But the question cannot be addressed without wisdom and sobriety of heart. Neither can it be answered without God’s counsel and Holy Spirit leading.
My friends, we need to all be staying vigilant in these uncertain times. Great events are approaching. The wise ones will stay sheltered in God and seek to know what to do.
One thing you should not do is try to deal with these things without God’s involvement. To do this will result in walking in fear!
And folks, fear is a faith killer and a thief of God’s peace! May God grant you your portion of peace in the midst of this storm!
Nathan Leal

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1OfgAGd


I have vaguely seen this as I was driving into downtown one time.  Very faint – almost imperceptible.

This is what I expect to happen to the area at a minimum.  The Puget Sound is a strategic target and would have to be knocked out in some form, if the US were attacked.  It simply has too much valuable assets to ignore – and would be prime for a counter-attack, if not neutralized at the start.

Here is an interesting vision or dream that seems to say what would be inevitable.  Not from an LDS guy, but was on FB and thought I would share.  Take it, like anything on this blog, with a grain of salt:

Here is a dream by Nathan Leal of an EMP over Seattle, WA.

“I Saw an American City Attacked! – Destruction from the Sky!”
A Prophetic Dream about Seattle, Washington
Nathan Leal – March 8, 2013
Note – This vision revealed Seattle, Washington getting hit with a Nuclear EMP!
In the beginning of 2013, I sought God about the matters at hand. I had been asking Him to show me the things to come.
On the night of February 19, 2013, the Lord answered my prayer and gave me a glimpse of things to come through a prophetic dream. After praying about it and seeking Him, He has given me the clearance to share it so that I can warn the people.
(Note – The Timing of the Following Dream is Unknown.)
Dream Begins:
I was in a building looking out of a window with other people that I did not know. When the dream first began, I did not know where I was. But as the dream progressed, images began to appear before me.
The sky became filled with very dark clouds of the evening. The clouds resembled those of an impending thunderstorm. They were dark and very thick. From time to time, lightning flashed within them.
After a few moments, the skyline of Seattle, Washington appeared before me. I could see all of the downtown buildings of the city and beyond. I also noticed that I was at a high vantage point. I was at a location in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, east of Seattle.
This meant that I was looking west towards Seattle and the Pacific Ocean. I could see all of the downtown area, as well as the landscape to the south and the north. I could also see the waters of Puget Sound located beyond downtown Seattle.
Unexpectedly, chaos erupted! The sky became darker.
From the south of downtown, I saw a glowing fireball coming out of the sky. It approached at an angle in slow motion.
I could see that it was not aiming towards the downtown area, but was headed beyond the location south of downtown and across the waters of Puget Sound.
Suddenly, missiles from the ground began to launch towards the approaching threat. I saw five to six missiles go into the sky towards the attacking fireball.
As I watched them launch, I was not sure what kind of missiles they were but I wondered to myself “Patriot Missiles?”
As they launched, the missiles also traveled in slow motion. But unfortunately, they missed and flew past the target! I remembered thinking, “Oh no! They missed!”
In the continuing chaos, a craft flew past me and also went towards the falling threat. The flying craft looked like some sort of drone or odd looking missile. It had narrow wings and was white and blue.
Suddenly, to the north of the downtown buildings, an explosion occurred in the sky. The blast was very high. It seemed to explode across the waters of the Puget Sound.
It appeared to occur several miles away from the city center. It did not explode into a mushroom cloud. Instead it exploded into a ball that became very bright and large. The ball remained a sphere as it expanded.
The explosion was so bright that I had to duck and look away.
After a moment of waiting, I again looked out of the window and saw the flash dissipating. As it started fading I said, “That was an EMP!”
I was wondering when the blast would reach me but it never did. I guess that as an observer in the dream. I was protected.
As I examined the post traumatic landscape, I was shocked by what I saw.
Every building before me in downtown Seattle had its windows blown out. Many were damaged but many were still standing. Pillars of smoke rose throughout, from the streets below. Dust was everywhere.
I became very sad. I do not know how many people were hurt in this event.
After I woke up, I was very disturbed. I needed to find answers.
I went online to look at the Seattle landscape on Google maps. Based on what I saw in my dream, I was able to find my approximate location. I was also able to calculate an approximation of where the objects were headed and/or exploded.
When I examined the points of impact, this glimpse became very DISTURBING!
It appears that west of Seattle across the Puget Sound are several military bases and installations.
The area of the lower assault is the Bremerton Naval Base and Shipyard. Many of our ships are there. I saw the anti-missiles try to respond but miss. I do not understand why they missed! I thought that we had an impregnable shield. (More on that later.)
In my dream, in the other area North of Bremerton, I saw an explosion in the air.
The area under the explosion turns out that it is also a military base, a substantial one!
From Wikipedia: It is called Naval Base Kitsap. It is a U.S. Navy base located on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State. It was created in 2004 by merging the former Naval Station Bremerton with Naval Submarine Base Bangor.
The Mission of Naval Base Kitsap is to serve as the home base for the Navy’s fleet throughout West Puget Sound and to provide base operating services, including support for both surface ships and Fleet Ballistic.
In my dream the explosion in the air occurred over this base!!!
What Was It?
After I had this dream, I wondered if the flying objects were nuclear missiles or meteors.
I prayed and asked God for details and more information. At this moment in time, I do not have an answer.
Therefore, I am not sure what they were. I have many questions about this event.
If they were meteors, why would they attack two military bases? And could a meteor cause an EMP?
Was the first one a meteor? And was the second one that exploded in the air a “Tactical EMP Missile” of some sort?
I am still seeking God for answers. One thing I have learned about prophetic dreams. They are just glimpses, partial images. They are never a complete picture. We only “know in part” and “prophesy in part.”
But folks, I do know this, God did tell me to share this dream. He wants all people to be warned that events are coming that will test men’s hearts!
America will experience an attack. This dream event will be one of several cities that will experience these things.
For those of you that are wondering – “When?”
God Revealed that it will occur when people least expect it. Will it be soon? Or later? Will it happen within months or years from now? That part I do not know.
Over the past few months, I have been sharing many details about America’s coming demise. The things that she is experiencing right now are a part of God’s Divine Judgment.
America is NOT in a recovery! Her dismantling is still in motion. Thus far, most of her pain has been in the economic sector, but eventually, she will start to experience a new category of judgment. ….WAR!!!
As these things take place, God has also shown me in prophetic dreams that America will be attacked in a very ominous and destructive manner. This means that several American cities will see great destruction. American cities WILL BURN!
Ladies and Gentlemen, over the past few years, I have seen cities burning through prophetic glimpses! Sharing these things brings no pleasure!
It brings much pain!
In my early years, I never thought that America could ever get attacked! But this was before God showed me.
The Withering Hedge!
America’s Divine hedge of protection has been removed. Her walls of solitude and safety have crumbled. Her pillars of strength have fractured and toppled.
As a result, right now, America is in very dangerous territory.
Without God protecting her, how can she remain safe and preserved?
The majority of today’s Americans place no confidence in God. They do not see the point. So sadly, America will be left as a progressive thistle blowing in the wind.
The ungodly take pride in their leanings to the left. But folks, at what point will her dry stalk break? How far can she lean before she tumbles?
Her bones have become dry and fallow; a brittle soul in the wilderness. Will the world give her a drink? Or are they waiting to watch her die of thirst?
Grass always fades and America will soon learn the fate of her misleading self-reliance.
Folks, if you live within the borders of America and you do not know why the USA is sick, please seek to find an understanding of why she is going through this. The reason is NOT only a physical reason from the mind of logic and rational….
For those of you who might live in the Seattle area, you may be wondering, “What to do?”
I asked God about that. He said, “Those that need to move away, are being shown what to do.”
In other words, if you are asking Him, He will tell you what to do.
Unfortunately, God also told me that most people do not listen to His voice when it comes to these things. Again, I do not have the timing for this event. It could be years away.
As a reminder, both David Wilkerson and Dumitru Duduman saw America burning in prophetic visions. They saw these things MANY years ago! God’s warning is always in advance; sometimes many years in advance. So will this attack happen soon? I do not know. Therefore, please follow the leading of the Holy Spirit for your personal relocation plans.
One thing to note about the explosion that I saw, it did not appear to be a regular nuclear event. It appeared to be an EMP. So here is the question. If you live in a city, can you ride out an EMP event? Only you can answer that question.
But the question cannot be addressed without wisdom and sobriety of heart. Neither can it be answered without God’s counsel and Holy Spirit leading.
My friends, we need to all be staying vigilant in these uncertain times. Great events are approaching. The wise ones will stay sheltered in God and seek to know what to do.
One thing you should not do is try to deal with these things without God’s involvement. To do this will result in walking in fear!
And folks, fear is a faith killer and a thief of God’s peace! May God grant you your portion of peace in the midst of this storm!
Nathan Leal