Excellent quote.  I feel this way.  I really do not give a rip about the things of the world (commentary below not mine – but fine commentary it is, nevertheless….):

In “Follow the Light of Christ into His Presence” there’s a quote:  

“The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is so profound that it literally propels those who receive it into a different world. Their thoughts become the mirror of their righteous desires. Their worldly possessions become a temporary collection of ‘things’…Their eyes focus on the heavens, and the world,with all its boisterous and hollow pleasures, fades into the background. They begin to view this life as temporary, and everything in it of worth only to the extent that is promotes eternal goals. Their former goals, ambitions, hobbies, and delights lose their allure. They look upon their former entertainments as kindergarten toys of little value.”

 I feel this…like I am in a different world. I see that a lot of things don’t have value. In general I feel a lot of peace and I really don’t worry about what others are doing or buying or enjoying but I am having a lot of anxiety about my ward. I have wonderful, good people in my ward but I feel we are focused on the wrong things. We have sugardoodl-ed and pinterest-ed the gospel to whole new levels. It is hard for me in my primary calling to strike a balance between what activities they want to do and what I feel is needed and appropriate. I feel anxious about what is coming and how we are not preparing spiritually as a ward. We want fun and happiness at the expense of teaching gospel truths. HOW ARE YOU ALL ACHIEVING BALANCE between not judging but voicing what you know to be true? How do you try to get people to elevate their level of spiritual preparedness without offending or being disagreeable? I have been one that has generally gone with the flow but I feel so passionate about the need to focus and simplify our effort especially with concern to teaching the gospel to our children and youth.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1NQwA3b


Excellent quote.  I feel this way.  I really do not give a rip about the things of the world (commentary below not mine – but fine commentary it is, nevertheless….):

In “Follow the Light of Christ into His Presence” there’s a quote:  

“The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is so profound that it literally propels those who receive it into a different world. Their thoughts become the mirror of their righteous desires. Their worldly possessions become a temporary collection of ‘things’…Their eyes focus on the heavens, and the world,with all its boisterous and hollow pleasures, fades into the background. They begin to view this life as temporary, and everything in it of worth only to the extent that is promotes eternal goals. Their former goals, ambitions, hobbies, and delights lose their allure. They look upon their former entertainments as kindergarten toys of little value.”

 I feel this…like I am in a different world. I see that a lot of things don’t have value. In general I feel a lot of peace and I really don’t worry about what others are doing or buying or enjoying but I am having a lot of anxiety about my ward. I have wonderful, good people in my ward but I feel we are focused on the wrong things. We have sugardoodl-ed and pinterest-ed the gospel to whole new levels. It is hard for me in my primary calling to strike a balance between what activities they want to do and what I feel is needed and appropriate. I feel anxious about what is coming and how we are not preparing spiritually as a ward. We want fun and happiness at the expense of teaching gospel truths. HOW ARE YOU ALL ACHIEVING BALANCE between not judging but voicing what you know to be true? How do you try to get people to elevate their level of spiritual preparedness without offending or being disagreeable? I have been one that has generally gone with the flow but I feel so passionate about the need to focus and simplify our effort especially with concern to teaching the gospel to our children and youth.