Wow!  I got this from a FB group that is focused on the last days.  I LOVED this story and had to share it (with my pal’s permission).  Here is my commentary to his post:

Excellent – the children of Lehi have that gift in spades. Amazing dreamers – clear visions. Could I share this on my blog, ______? I believe, like you, that we are in the beginning phases of the massive callout as the elect of the nations “fall to America”.

Here is his post:

Would you be surprised to know that at this very moment there are people who are already being called out of their home lands to come to the United States? We know that this has been happening for years, but in light of recent events and the coming perils it is particularly interesting to take note of exactly what is happening right now.
My wife and I have been helping several LDS refugees immigrate to the US from Venezuela. All of them are coming to Utah. They each have interesting stories of their unique personal experiences and they all testify of the marvelous blessings and miracles that are making their journey’s possible.
This morning I spoke with another faithful member of the church. He has been a solid member and served in several higher priesthood callings. For years Venezuela has needed members like he and his family, but now the spirit is indicating that it is time to leave Venezuela. This comes as the government in Venezuela is taking efforts in some areas, and only a handful of areas at this time, to seize chapels and other church properties.
He mentioned that he and his family began having dreams in April of this year that were very clear that it was time to begin making preparations to flee Venezuela. At first they supposed that they simply needed to find another Central or South American country to flee to, but the spirit failed to confirm any of specific location other than Utah. This presents a very challenging situation for this family.
To begin, they don’t speak English and they will struggle to find employment. There are also other obstacles that they must address such as not having any family here to help them through this transition. They will rely entirely on the help of friends of friends (they don’t know very many people here) and the members in their new found ward to be here in Utah.
Now I’m sure that you are all very curious to hear about these dreams. I don’t have permission yet to share any of them, but I can tell you the types of things that they are seeing. They are seeing the beginning of the destruction. Unfortunately, they all seem to only be seeing the beginning. Nuclear war also seems to be a common theme with the destruction that they are witnessing. Most marvelously, they are also seeing the events that will transpire as the people from the city of Enoch return. This is perhaps the most striking part of these dreams.
We have all heard General Authorities speak of the day of the Lamanite. The words of Spencer W. Kimball are the strongest in my mind. There is little doubt that the day of the Lamanite coincides with the day of the Jew, but only after the day of the Gentile has been fulfilled.
Stay strong and ever faithful my friends. This is really happening.

Further, I feel that the trickle will begin in earnest and become a raging river.  Most will come AFTER the purging in His House (first) with the prophesied destructions of fire/etc and then, many emissaries will be sent out from the New Jerusalem (as Spencer described in Visions of Glory) to gather in the tens of millions of stragglers – the upright in heart to come to the Center Stake, along with the Lost Ten Tribes and so many others.

I re-iterate here that I would LOVE to get information from “boots on the ground” of this nature.  The blog is better and more rich because of your input.  

My e-mail for the blog is:


Wow!  I got this from a FB group that is focused on the last days.  I LOVED this story and had to share it (with my pal’s permission).  Here is my commentary to his post:

Excellent – the children of Lehi have that gift in spades. Amazing dreamers – clear visions. Could I share this on my blog, ______? I believe, like you, that we are in the beginning phases of the massive callout as the elect of the nations “fall to America”.

Here is his post:

Would you be surprised to know that at this very moment there are people who are already being called out of their home lands to come to the United States? We know that this has been happening for years, but in light of recent events and the coming perils it is particularly interesting to take note of exactly what is happening right now.
My wife and I have been helping several LDS refugees immigrate to the US from Venezuela. All of them are coming to Utah. They each have interesting stories of their unique personal experiences and they all testify of the marvelous blessings and miracles that are making their journey’s possible.
This morning I spoke with another faithful member of the church. He has been a solid member and served in several higher priesthood callings. For years Venezuela has needed members like he and his family, but now the spirit is indicating that it is time to leave Venezuela. This comes as the government in Venezuela is taking efforts in some areas, and only a handful of areas at this time, to seize chapels and other church properties.
He mentioned that he and his family began having dreams in April of this year that were very clear that it was time to begin making preparations to flee Venezuela. At first they supposed that they simply needed to find another Central or South American country to flee to, but the spirit failed to confirm any of specific location other than Utah. This presents a very challenging situation for this family.
To begin, they don’t speak English and they will struggle to find employment. There are also other obstacles that they must address such as not having any family here to help them through this transition. They will rely entirely on the help of friends of friends (they don’t know very many people here) and the members in their new found ward to be here in Utah.
Now I’m sure that you are all very curious to hear about these dreams. I don’t have permission yet to share any of them, but I can tell you the types of things that they are seeing. They are seeing the beginning of the destruction. Unfortunately, they all seem to only be seeing the beginning. Nuclear war also seems to be a common theme with the destruction that they are witnessing. Most marvelously, they are also seeing the events that will transpire as the people from the city of Enoch return. This is perhaps the most striking part of these dreams.
We have all heard General Authorities speak of the day of the Lamanite. The words of Spencer W. Kimball are the strongest in my mind. There is little doubt that the day of the Lamanite coincides with the day of the Jew, but only after the day of the Gentile has been fulfilled.
Stay strong and ever faithful my friends. This is really happening.

Further, I feel that the trickle will begin in earnest and become a raging river.  Most will come AFTER the purging in His House (first) with the prophesied destructions of fire/etc and then, many emissaries will be sent out from the New Jerusalem (as Spencer described in Visions of Glory) to gather in the tens of millions of stragglers – the upright in heart to come to the Center Stake, along with the Lost Ten Tribes and so many others.

I re-iterate here that I would LOVE to get information from “boots on the ground” of this nature.  The blog is better and more rich because of your input.  

My e-mail for the blog is: