Interesting parallels between today and the Weimar Republic (from a FB friend):
What level of preparedness are you at…
Nothing – Soy Sauce – Ketchup Packets
Wake up!
Extra Cans of Food – Bulk OTC Meds – 2 Weeks Food/Water
Physical copies of key docs.
Get a plan
1 Mo. Food/Water – Prescriptions/Meds 1 Month – Emergency Kit – Bat
Have a plan
Skills – Strategy
6 Months of Food/Water – Training Kit – Guns/Ammo – CASH
Develop skills
Banking – Relocate – Spiritual/Mental – Combat
1 Yr. Food/Water – Garden Plan – Barter, Gold/Silver – Skills – Major Aid Kit – Energy/Fuel – Extra Clothing
Training – relocation plan
Off grid logistics
Heirloom Seeds – Farming Equipment – Solar Bank w/Deep Storage Batteries – Horse – Animals ATVS w/Fuel – Battle Riffles/10K rounds per, Bible, Book of Mormon, Constitution, Federalist Papers
Small farm –defense – income – spiritual basis.
Keep Powder Dry – Ready to restore & rebuild
Are you a Zombie Killer, or simply trying to keep the commandment of Food Storage (Note: “the righteous will have listened to prophets and stored at least a year’s supply of survival food”), clothing and fuel, and any other needful thing (i.e. fuel wood, coal…candles“)?
Short little history/current lesson:
Weimar Republic (1923) & Greece (2015) & United States (2015+)… what do the three have in common, or as for the U.S., will have in common?
The provision of goods and services is the lifeblood of any economy. Those who offer them and those who pay for them create wealth by doing so. This is the natural order of economics. However, if currency is artificially pumped into an economic system, either through the printing of bank notes, as in Germany in 1922, or the provision of bailouts, as in Greece in 2015, no goods have been created, no services have been performed. The injection of currency fails to improve the economy; it makes the situation worse
Well, one interesting development was that, although most everyone in Germany (Weimar) was experiencing a steady decrease in their standard of living, farmers seemed to be holding their own. This, of course, was because they remained productive. They created essential goods for sale to others, so they maintained their living standards. In the autumn of 1922, most Bavarians could not afford to attend Oktoberfest, but the beer halls did an acceptable business with the farmers who came to town for the celebration. They were deeply resented by city dwellers for being able to afford beer that they themselves could not afford.
Such was the resentment that the prime minister of Bavaria submitted a bill to the Reichsrat to make gluttony a public offense.
In 1923, as the Weimar inflation grew to the point that city dwellers were starving, many of them went out to the country to steal the produce the farmers had worked to grow. Resentment was so high against the farmers that many raiders killed the farmers out of hatred. Further, since they couldn’t take the farmers’ cattle back to the city with them, they slaughtered them in the fields, out of spite. Of course, by destroying the source of the food, they assured that they would receive even less in future. Many starved.
As the cost of goods and services was rapidly rising (on a daily basis), Germans learned that it was best to spend Reichsmarks as quickly as possible on virtually anything that was holding its value better than banknotes.
[Note: President Benson said, in difficult days it is reserves of “intrinsic value” unlike money where he said, “…cannot eat money, you cannot get enough of it together to burn to keep warm, and you cannot wear it.”].
Can this really/is happening to us, or is there a normalcy bias…
Normalcy Bias – fear and the desire to maintain normalcy often blinds one from the truth (Note: the truth has no agenda, and perhaps at times “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.“).  A mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects i.e.
1)     Since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur.
2)     Inability to cope with a disaster once it occurs.
3)     Difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before.
4)     Interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
Or, do you believe what the prophets have said what will happen here:
“…ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake.” (President Benson)
However, if we are prepared we shall not fear and,

“…the Saints will watch and pray; and, waiting  the  final  event  in  patience, will look calmly on the passing scenery of a corrupted world, and view  transpiring  events  as confirmation  of  their  faith in the holy gospel which they profess, and rejoice more and more, as multiplied signs shall confirm the approach of the millennial day.” (Fifth General Epistle of the Presidency of the Church,” issued April 7, 1851, found in MS, Vol. 13:210, July 15, 1851)


Interesting parallels between today and the Weimar Republic (from a FB friend):
What level of preparedness are you at…
Nothing – Soy Sauce – Ketchup Packets
Wake up!
Extra Cans of Food – Bulk OTC Meds – 2 Weeks Food/Water
Physical copies of key docs.
Get a plan
1 Mo. Food/Water – Prescriptions/Meds 1 Month – Emergency Kit – Bat
Have a plan
Skills – Strategy
6 Months of Food/Water – Training Kit – Guns/Ammo – CASH
Develop skills
Banking – Relocate – Spiritual/Mental – Combat
1 Yr. Food/Water – Garden Plan – Barter, Gold/Silver – Skills – Major Aid Kit – Energy/Fuel – Extra Clothing
Training – relocation plan
Off grid logistics
Heirloom Seeds – Farming Equipment – Solar Bank w/Deep Storage Batteries – Horse – Animals ATVS w/Fuel – Battle Riffles/10K rounds per, Bible, Book of Mormon, Constitution, Federalist Papers
Small farm –defense – income – spiritual basis.
Keep Powder Dry – Ready to restore & rebuild
Are you a Zombie Killer, or simply trying to keep the commandment of Food Storage (Note: “the righteous will have listened to prophets and stored at least a year’s supply of survival food”), clothing and fuel, and any other needful thing (i.e. fuel wood, coal…candles“)?
Short little history/current lesson:
Weimar Republic (1923) & Greece (2015) & United States (2015+)… what do the three have in common, or as for the U.S., will have in common?
The provision of goods and services is the lifeblood of any economy. Those who offer them and those who pay for them create wealth by doing so. This is the natural order of economics. However, if currency is artificially pumped into an economic system, either through the printing of bank notes, as in Germany in 1922, or the provision of bailouts, as in Greece in 2015, no goods have been created, no services have been performed. The injection of currency fails to improve the economy; it makes the situation worse
Well, one interesting development was that, although most everyone in Germany (Weimar) was experiencing a steady decrease in their standard of living, farmers seemed to be holding their own. This, of course, was because they remained productive. They created essential goods for sale to others, so they maintained their living standards. In the autumn of 1922, most Bavarians could not afford to attend Oktoberfest, but the beer halls did an acceptable business with the farmers who came to town for the celebration. They were deeply resented by city dwellers for being able to afford beer that they themselves could not afford.
Such was the resentment that the prime minister of Bavaria submitted a bill to the Reichsrat to make gluttony a public offense.
In 1923, as the Weimar inflation grew to the point that city dwellers were starving, many of them went out to the country to steal the produce the farmers had worked to grow. Resentment was so high against the farmers that many raiders killed the farmers out of hatred. Further, since they couldn’t take the farmers’ cattle back to the city with them, they slaughtered them in the fields, out of spite. Of course, by destroying the source of the food, they assured that they would receive even less in future. Many starved.
As the cost of goods and services was rapidly rising (on a daily basis), Germans learned that it was best to spend Reichsmarks as quickly as possible on virtually anything that was holding its value better than banknotes.
[Note: President Benson said, in difficult days it is reserves of “intrinsic value” unlike money where he said, “…cannot eat money, you cannot get enough of it together to burn to keep warm, and you cannot wear it.”].
Can this really/is happening to us, or is there a normalcy bias…
Normalcy Bias – fear and the desire to maintain normalcy often blinds one from the truth (Note: the truth has no agenda, and perhaps at times “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.“).  A mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects i.e.
1)     Since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur.
2)     Inability to cope with a disaster once it occurs.
3)     Difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before.
4)     Interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
Or, do you believe what the prophets have said what will happen here:
“…ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake.” (President Benson)
However, if we are prepared we shall not fear and,

“…the Saints will watch and pray; and, waiting  the  final  event  in  patience, will look calmly on the passing scenery of a corrupted world, and view  transpiring  events  as confirmation  of  their  faith in the holy gospel which they profess, and rejoice more and more, as multiplied signs shall confirm the approach of the millennial day.” (Fifth General Epistle of the Presidency of the Church,” issued April 7, 1851, found in MS, Vol. 13:210, July 15, 1851)