The LOVE of money is the root of all evil…..

I have noticed when people I am close to have gone apostate (Tal Bachman – and others), that they usually regret having paid their tithing (and often are angry they cannot get the money back).  This is after the full apostasy has set in.

When you begin to falter in your desire to pay your tithing, chances are good that you might be on the road to apostasy.  Tithing is an essential litmus in determining whether you love God more than the things of this world (which money can buy).  Obedience to the laws of chastity are also a litmus to see if you will bend the will of the flesh to that of God’s.  When we begin to break those or “feel restricted” or “held down” by the “oppressive” commandments, we ARE on the road to apostasy.  In direct opposition to God and His laws.  When we enter the grey area in support of the erosion of marriage (one man, one woman), we begin the slippery slide to apostasy.  Once the slide is complete – and the individual is filled with an actual hatred for truth and light, then the d’evil seals the initiate his.  Can you tell I just watched the new Star Wars flick this weekend??  Principles are immutable….. no matter how they are packaged.

Anyway – here is a meme from FB that I thought was pretty awesome.  A Prophet of the Lord has spoken – and I understand exactly what he was saying:


The LOVE of money is the root of all evil…..

I have noticed when people I am close to have gone apostate (Tal Bachman – and others), that they usually regret having paid their tithing (and often are angry they cannot get the money back).  This is after the full apostasy has set in.

When you begin to falter in your desire to pay your tithing, chances are good that you might be on the road to apostasy.  Tithing is an essential litmus in determining whether you love God more than the things of this world (which money can buy).  Obedience to the laws of chastity are also a litmus to see if you will bend the will of the flesh to that of God’s.  When we begin to break those or “feel restricted” or “held down” by the “oppressive” commandments, we ARE on the road to apostasy.  In direct opposition to God and His laws.  When we enter the grey area in support of the erosion of marriage (one man, one woman), we begin the slippery slide to apostasy.  Once the slide is complete – and the individual is filled with an actual hatred for truth and light, then the d’evil seals the initiate his.  Can you tell I just watched the new Star Wars flick this weekend??  Principles are immutable….. no matter how they are packaged.

Anyway – here is a meme from FB that I thought was pretty awesome.  A Prophet of the Lord has spoken – and I understand exactly what he was saying: