All nations will flow to Zion (both in Jackson and to Utah).  It will be the only place that will NOT be at war.  The peace and order of the Saints will prevail there.

Here is the quotes that point out that, after the purge of the Lord’s people in Utah, and those who come to carry out that work (Russians/Chinese/UN) are driven off by the Lord, then we will have a period of amazing peace and prosperity as the judgments and wrath are poured out by God on the rest of the nations.

Here are the quotes:

Teaching of Lorenzo Snow:

“The Saints will be preserved as Noah was. We should understand that the Lord has provided, when the days of trouble come upon the nations, a place for you and me, and we will be preserved as Noah was preserved: not in an ark, but we will be preserved by going into these principles of union by which we can accomplish the work of the Lord and surround ourselves with those things that will preserve us from the difficulties that are now coming upon the world, the judgments of the the Lord.” (5 Oct. Conference Report. pp. 4-5)
” We shall cultivate our farms, and lay foundation for a time when the nations shall be broken up. Multitudes will then flee to these valleys of the mountains for safety, and we shall extend protection to them.” (14 Jan. 1872, Journal of Discourses 14:309)
“The wicked will destroy themselves, Our object is the temporal salvation of the people as much as it is for their spiritual salvation. By and by the nations will be broken up on account of their wickedness. The Latter-day Saints are not going to move upon them with their little army; they will destroy themselves with their wickedness and immorality. They will contend and quarrel one with another, state after state and nation after nation, until they are broken up, and thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands will undoubtedly come and seek protection at the hands of the servants of God, as much so as in the days of Joseph when was called upon to lay a plan for the salvation of the house of Israel.” (14 January 1872, Journal of Discourses, 14:309)

And more from Orson Pratt (who acted as a PS&R – and used his gift):

My favorite quote by Orson Pratt from the article mentions “camps.” I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. I’ve never heard this one:

“We shall go back to Jackson County. Not that all this people will leave these mountains, or all be gathered together in a camp, but when we go back there will be a very large organization consisting of thousands, and tens of thousands, and they will march forward, the glory of God overshadowing their camp by day in the form of a cloud, and a pillar of flaming fire by night, the Lord’s voice being uttered forth before his army.

“Such a period will come in the history of this people, and when it arrives the mountains and the hills will be ready to break forth with a loud voice before the Lord’s army, and the very trees of the field will wave to and fro by the power of God, and clap like hands. The everlasting hills will rejoice. . . . Will not this produce terror upon all the nations of the earth? Will not armies of this description, though they may not be as numerous as the armies of the world, cause a terror to fall upon the nations?
“The Lord says the banners of Zion shall be terrible. . . . When the Lord’s presence is there, when his voice is heard, and his angels go before the camp, it will be telegraphed to the uttermost parts of the earth and fear will seize upon all people, especially the wicked, and the knees of the ungodly will tremble in that day.” (In Journal of Discourses, 15:364)


All nations will flow to Zion (both in Jackson and to Utah).  It will be the only place that will NOT be at war.  The peace and order of the Saints will prevail there.

Here is the quotes that point out that, after the purge of the Lord’s people in Utah, and those who come to carry out that work (Russians/Chinese/UN) are driven off by the Lord, then we will have a period of amazing peace and prosperity as the judgments and wrath are poured out by God on the rest of the nations.

Here are the quotes:

Teaching of Lorenzo Snow:

“The Saints will be preserved as Noah was. We should understand that the Lord has provided, when the days of trouble come upon the nations, a place for you and me, and we will be preserved as Noah was preserved: not in an ark, but we will be preserved by going into these principles of union by which we can accomplish the work of the Lord and surround ourselves with those things that will preserve us from the difficulties that are now coming upon the world, the judgments of the the Lord.” (5 Oct. Conference Report. pp. 4-5)
” We shall cultivate our farms, and lay foundation for a time when the nations shall be broken up. Multitudes will then flee to these valleys of the mountains for safety, and we shall extend protection to them.” (14 Jan. 1872, Journal of Discourses 14:309)
“The wicked will destroy themselves, Our object is the temporal salvation of the people as much as it is for their spiritual salvation. By and by the nations will be broken up on account of their wickedness. The Latter-day Saints are not going to move upon them with their little army; they will destroy themselves with their wickedness and immorality. They will contend and quarrel one with another, state after state and nation after nation, until they are broken up, and thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands will undoubtedly come and seek protection at the hands of the servants of God, as much so as in the days of Joseph when was called upon to lay a plan for the salvation of the house of Israel.” (14 January 1872, Journal of Discourses, 14:309)

And more from Orson Pratt (who acted as a PS&R – and used his gift):

My favorite quote by Orson Pratt from the article mentions “camps.” I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. I’ve never heard this one:

“We shall go back to Jackson County. Not that all this people will leave these mountains, or all be gathered together in a camp, but when we go back there will be a very large organization consisting of thousands, and tens of thousands, and they will march forward, the glory of God overshadowing their camp by day in the form of a cloud, and a pillar of flaming fire by night, the Lord’s voice being uttered forth before his army.

“Such a period will come in the history of this people, and when it arrives the mountains and the hills will be ready to break forth with a loud voice before the Lord’s army, and the very trees of the field will wave to and fro by the power of God, and clap like hands. The everlasting hills will rejoice. . . . Will not this produce terror upon all the nations of the earth? Will not armies of this description, though they may not be as numerous as the armies of the world, cause a terror to fall upon the nations?
“The Lord says the banners of Zion shall be terrible. . . . When the Lord’s presence is there, when his voice is heard, and his angels go before the camp, it will be telegraphed to the uttermost parts of the earth and fear will seize upon all people, especially the wicked, and the knees of the ungodly will tremble in that day.” (In Journal of Discourses, 15:364)