I have seen WAY too many people suddenly drop out of the race and throw in the towel.  They have given up on the goal that every one of God’s children should have.  It is a race that is designed to sift.  It would thwart the very foundation and purposes of Heaven, to let in people that simply do not desire, let alone actually strive to meet the grade. 

In order to be where God is, we have to want it with ALL our hearts.  No “kinda sort ofs” or half measures will make the grade.  If God were to let in all those who were luke warm, He would ruin the eternities.  Many people would call Him cruel for having excluded His very children (and the d’evil cunningly tried to exploit this sense of mis-guided “fair play” in people to his advantage, with the guarantee that he could basically force all mankind to comply with the requirements of heaven, thus getting them all in through coercion).  The fact is this – it would be horribly unfair for those who did comply and show their love of eternal principle by (through self-will and obedience) conforming their will to Father’s will (and that of His Father, and His Father, etc etc).

Every liberal (and d’evil inductee) wants to cheapen the experience of everyone else who has striven in this sojourn, by giving all people (regardless of what they have actually done in life), a passing grade and a free pass.  Every teacher and normal-thinking conservative knows this is folly.  If you cheapen something for one person, you cheapen it for all.

Here is the meme from Heather Jackson that got me going on this diatribe:

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1UNSliL


I have seen WAY too many people suddenly drop out of the race and throw in the towel.  They have given up on the goal that every one of God’s children should have.  It is a race that is designed to sift.  It would thwart the very foundation and purposes of Heaven, to let in people that simply do not desire, let alone actually strive to meet the grade. 

In order to be where God is, we have to want it with ALL our hearts.  No “kinda sort ofs” or half measures will make the grade.  If God were to let in all those who were luke warm, He would ruin the eternities.  Many people would call Him cruel for having excluded His very children (and the d’evil cunningly tried to exploit this sense of mis-guided “fair play” in people to his advantage, with the guarantee that he could basically force all mankind to comply with the requirements of heaven, thus getting them all in through coercion).  The fact is this – it would be horribly unfair for those who did comply and show their love of eternal principle by (through self-will and obedience) conforming their will to Father’s will (and that of His Father, and His Father, etc etc).

Every liberal (and d’evil inductee) wants to cheapen the experience of everyone else who has striven in this sojourn, by giving all people (regardless of what they have actually done in life), a passing grade and a free pass.  Every teacher and normal-thinking conservative knows this is folly.  If you cheapen something for one person, you cheapen it for all.

Here is the meme from Heather Jackson that got me going on this diatribe: