I have to say, I have not gotten this worked up about anything since Waco, TX and the burning of the women and children there.  I was in college at the time and, at first, I was buying all the propaganda that was put out by the msm (disinformation agents….as I call them).  I was in the crowd yelling: “Crucify them.  Crucify them!”  And then their acts led to them being burned alive.  And yes, it most likely was from a tank from the US Army (read up on Posse Comitatus) injecting tear gas in that the fire actually started.

I have a lead at work who simply hates Mormons – and I tell him straight to his face that he does.  He is part of the charismatic christian (lower case “c”….) movement that feeds the missionary movement that shows up at places like Nauvoo, Hill Cumorah pageant and temple dedications to set us straight using bull horns and much falsehood about who we are (as Rome burns socially and spiritually in this country….. – idiots).  I got my fill of them last year at General Conference, then the pageants at Hill Cumorah and Nauvoo and the Indianapolis Temple open house.  Really? – do these people not have better things to do with their time?

So, a few times in the past year – there were oblique references that this lead (who is required by FAA mandate to audit me annually), holds my future in his hands.  IE, he could drop a bad audit, followed by another followed by dismissal.  Most people would be shaking in their boots.  I, of course, am not.  I told him to go to hell in no uncertain terms – and to go stuff himself.  Further, I told him that I want to get a layoff notice and then re-iterated that I pay my tithing to the LORD’S church – and that, if asked to weigh us in the balance, the Lord would chuck him to the curb before I would be, unless it were my time to go to other “assignments” in Canada, or where ever else.  I did not do it physically – but I got right back in his face using logic and testimony – and let him have it for attempting to dissuade me in my beliefs.

So, the thing that despots hold over people is their ability to earn money, their health, their lives, the safety and security of loved ones.  When you stop caring (at least too much) over this kind of thing, no one can sink their teeth or claws into you.  One of the tactics that has been used lately by this corrupt administration, is to have the tax people audit you for being “too conservative”.  They can confiscate your “things”, your home and place heavy burdens on the average person.  Most people insist on toeing the line that is laid down by their overlords.  I do not.  LaVoy realized that the most important thing he had was the ability to wake up each day and ride the fences of the ranch, feeling the breeze on his face, meeting the needs of his herd until the sun went down and he could then gaze up at the stars.  Having that taken away from his was worse than death to him.  He knew that if he put his hands behind his back, he would be dead inside.  At his age, he most likely would have died in prison for his “crimes” – a broken man.  He chose the better path.  One that will be annotated in history books for following generations.  His wife and 11 children will miss him, for sure.  But, better to miss their dad acting as a man, than a pitiful prison rat with no dignity.  We need thousands of others like that man to stand up and be counted.

Live free, or die!  It is the only way to go!

Here is a story (from the blog in Nov 2012) that helped to shape my attitudes about tyrants.  I hope you are able to feel the anguish I went through from this event:


from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1QJ0tCn


I have to say, I have not gotten this worked up about anything since Waco, TX and the burning of the women and children there.  I was in college at the time and, at first, I was buying all the propaganda that was put out by the msm (disinformation agents….as I call them).  I was in the crowd yelling: “Crucify them.  Crucify them!”  And then their acts led to them being burned alive.  And yes, it most likely was from a tank from the US Army (read up on Posse Comitatus) injecting tear gas in that the fire actually started.

I have a lead at work who simply hates Mormons – and I tell him straight to his face that he does.  He is part of the charismatic christian (lower case “c”….) movement that feeds the missionary movement that shows up at places like Nauvoo, Hill Cumorah pageant and temple dedications to set us straight using bull horns and much falsehood about who we are (as Rome burns socially and spiritually in this country….. – idiots).  I got my fill of them last year at General Conference, then the pageants at Hill Cumorah and Nauvoo and the Indianapolis Temple open house.  Really? – do these people not have better things to do with their time?

So, a few times in the past year – there were oblique references that this lead (who is required by FAA mandate to audit me annually), holds my future in his hands.  IE, he could drop a bad audit, followed by another followed by dismissal.  Most people would be shaking in their boots.  I, of course, am not.  I told him to go to hell in no uncertain terms – and to go stuff himself.  Further, I told him that I want to get a layoff notice and then re-iterated that I pay my tithing to the LORD’S church – and that, if asked to weigh us in the balance, the Lord would chuck him to the curb before I would be, unless it were my time to go to other “assignments” in Canada, or where ever else.  I did not do it physically – but I got right back in his face using logic and testimony – and let him have it for attempting to dissuade me in my beliefs.

So, the thing that despots hold over people is their ability to earn money, their health, their lives, the safety and security of loved ones.  When you stop caring (at least too much) over this kind of thing, no one can sink their teeth or claws into you.  One of the tactics that has been used lately by this corrupt administration, is to have the tax people audit you for being “too conservative”.  They can confiscate your “things”, your home and place heavy burdens on the average person.  Most people insist on toeing the line that is laid down by their overlords.  I do not.  LaVoy realized that the most important thing he had was the ability to wake up each day and ride the fences of the ranch, feeling the breeze on his face, meeting the needs of his herd until the sun went down and he could then gaze up at the stars.  Having that taken away from his was worse than death to him.  He knew that if he put his hands behind his back, he would be dead inside.  At his age, he most likely would have died in prison for his “crimes” – a broken man.  He chose the better path.  One that will be annotated in history books for following generations.  His wife and 11 children will miss him, for sure.  But, better to miss their dad acting as a man, than a pitiful prison rat with no dignity.  We need thousands of others like that man to stand up and be counted.

Live free, or die!  It is the only way to go!

Here is a story (from the blog in Nov 2012) that helped to shape my attitudes about tyrants.  I hope you are able to feel the anguish I went through from this event:
