That building was my old Stake Building when I was a young newlywed at BYU living on the south side of Provo!

I drove through Provo the day or two after it burned down.  I almost died trying to get from Montana down to Provo with two of my girls in the car in the worst blizzard conditions I have ever experienced – and the only time I have EVER chained my front wheel drive car (or any other car I have ever owned) up in my life.   I had even had the best snow tires put on before that trip that money can buy and I still could not navigate in those conditions.  I will never forget that trip – nor the shock of looking at the beautiful old building smoldering in ruins a few days later.

Now, she has arisen again.  I am almost as excited about this temple as I was about the Nauvoo Temple open house we flew out for.  More than what she is physically, is what she will provide as far as inspiration to many who will learn saving truths within her walls.  All of the fairy-book weddings that will happen there.  I just love a happy ending to a near-tragedy.  Things always seem to work out for the best!

Enjoy the pics!

Maybe a quick run down to Provo after Spring Conference will be in order.  Gas is cheap – I smell a road trip coming on!


That building was my old Stake Building when I was a young newlywed at BYU living on the south side of Provo!

I drove through Provo the day or two after it burned down.  I almost died trying to get from Montana down to Provo with two of my girls in the car in the worst blizzard conditions I have ever experienced – and the only time I have EVER chained my front wheel drive car (or any other car I have ever owned) up in my life.   I had even had the best snow tires put on before that trip that money can buy and I still could not navigate in those conditions.  I will never forget that trip – nor the shock of looking at the beautiful old building smoldering in ruins a few days later.

Now, she has arisen again.  I am almost as excited about this temple as I was about the Nauvoo Temple open house we flew out for.  More than what she is physically, is what she will provide as far as inspiration to many who will learn saving truths within her walls.  All of the fairy-book weddings that will happen there.  I just love a happy ending to a near-tragedy.  Things always seem to work out for the best!

Enjoy the pics!

Maybe a quick run down to Provo after Spring Conference will be in order.  Gas is cheap – I smell a road trip coming on!