Wow – I was this guy’s Frosh Class Prez and voted most likely to succeed in the Senior Year voting.  If I remember right, he was the Senior Prom King with the most beautiful girl in school at his side.  I think he was the ASB Prez, as well……  And the QB.  His grades were pretty good and he was a nice guy that was good to all kids in the social strata.

Um, I am sure I am doing okay in some categories – but not getting headlines like this!

Go Doug Pederson!!

I had lost track of him and had no idea he had done so well.


Wow – I was this guy’s Frosh Class Prez and voted most likely to succeed in the Senior Year voting.  If I remember right, he was the Senior Prom King with the most beautiful girl in school at his side.  I think he was the ASB Prez, as well……  And the QB.  His grades were pretty good and he was a nice guy that was good to all kids in the social strata.

Um, I am sure I am doing okay in some categories – but not getting headlines like this!

Go Doug Pederson!!

I had lost track of him and had no idea he had done so well.