We are pretty much there right now.  Make no mistake about it – the author of that ideology is clearly satan himself.  People here on this earth have taken the torch in corporeal form – and they are running with it.  People have been confused and misled to follow and support that ideology.

If you support Obama – or Bernie Sanders – or Hitlery; you are voting for the forces of evil and bad in this country.  Part of the reason I run this blog and put the amount of time and energy into it, is because I simply want to have my hands clean from the blood and sins of this generation…..

A must see:

It would be good to show it to teens and family – they have done a full court press on the Millennials and they are being deceived in massive numbers.  Especially on the morality – no God themes.  I have seen family member after family member that are too weak spiritually and intellectually, fall for this tripe.  It is distressing to say the least.  
What can you do?  Agency is greater than all and each man/woman must answer for themselves in the final analysis and judgment of this mortal sojourn.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1TvzLPo


We are pretty much there right now.  Make no mistake about it – the author of that ideology is clearly satan himself.  People here on this earth have taken the torch in corporeal form – and they are running with it.  People have been confused and misled to follow and support that ideology.

If you support Obama – or Bernie Sanders – or Hitlery; you are voting for the forces of evil and bad in this country.  Part of the reason I run this blog and put the amount of time and energy into it, is because I simply want to have my hands clean from the blood and sins of this generation…..

A must see:

It would be good to show it to teens and family – they have done a full court press on the Millennials and they are being deceived in massive numbers.  Especially on the morality – no God themes.  I have seen family member after family member that are too weak spiritually and intellectually, fall for this tripe.  It is distressing to say the least.  
What can you do?  Agency is greater than all and each man/woman must answer for themselves in the final analysis and judgment of this mortal sojourn.