It was prophesied that things would get so bad in this country that the Saints would cry day and night until deliverance comes.

I know it will get much worse than it is right now.  It will be a pressure cooker.

I know this is a Christmas song – but I find myself humming it quite a lot lately – especially since LaVoy was murdered.  I would like justice as quickly as is possible.

I am still grinding thru the book about Christ’s life by Vern Swanson – and I cannot help but note how parallel things are now in the USA with how things were in Jesus’ day.  The other thing that astounds me – just as with the LaVoy Finicum narrative, is how badly those who wrote the history down (parallel with the media today) distorted what really happened.  Thankfully, we have modern revelation to give us a clearer picture of reality.  Those who have distorted things for their own purposes or to drive an agenda will have to pay every farthing.

The nice part – and the only consolation I have right now is knowing who wins this one in the end.  I guess patience is key…:

Enjoy! And please pray for His quick return.

Here is Sugarland if you like a little more twang and faster tempo:


It was prophesied that things would get so bad in this country that the Saints would cry day and night until deliverance comes.

I know it will get much worse than it is right now.  It will be a pressure cooker.

I know this is a Christmas song – but I find myself humming it quite a lot lately – especially since LaVoy was murdered.  I would like justice as quickly as is possible.

I am still grinding thru the book about Christ’s life by Vern Swanson – and I cannot help but note how parallel things are now in the USA with how things were in Jesus’ day.  The other thing that astounds me – just as with the LaVoy Finicum narrative, is how badly those who wrote the history down (parallel with the media today) distorted what really happened.  Thankfully, we have modern revelation to give us a clearer picture of reality.  Those who have distorted things for their own purposes or to drive an agenda will have to pay every farthing.

The nice part – and the only consolation I have right now is knowing who wins this one in the end.  I guess patience is key…:

Enjoy! And please pray for His quick return.

Here is Sugarland if you like a little more twang and faster tempo: