This Sheriff is willing to deputize EVERY man, woman and child in Paiute County, Utah.

These guys are taking up where Finicum left off.  My daughter’s best friend is holed up in Canada while her grand-daddy, Cliven Bundy is holed up in a Federal detention center for exercising his rights under the Constitution. 

This whole thing just has me pissed off.  I have so much history that gets me to this point – but I am here to say it is NOW or NEVER.  Stand up now – or lose your right to freedom of speech, freedom from tyranny and so much else.

I have nothing and I like it that way.  Once you have something, the banksters, tax men and other fraudsters can simply take it away – or threaten to take it away. 

I just got done fighting with the Montana Tax Commission and won.  They levied huge penalties against me and basically threatened to take one fifth of a year’s salary away from me if I did not roll over and pay.  I came right back at them with a bunch of effort (self-represented) and told them I was taking this train all the way to the final stop.  I knew I was being pushed around and that their sham audit was no good.  I prevailed – thanks be to God.

Here is the rub.  They take your money, hire lawyers and bureaucrats to lay oppressive burdens on you and can grind you into the ground, if they so desire.  Thankfully, my amount was not worth their time.  Ironically, one of the initial audit findings had to do with annual write-offs of 13% for tithes/offerings.  That sneering auditor sat there and grilled me over that like I was some kind of criminal.  THANKFULLY – the judge/arbiter was a woman of good character and she was able to get my side of the story and after spending hundreds on postage and booklets showing my side of the story, I was let off the hook.  I spent countless hours preparing my defense – and herein is the rub!  I was GUILTY until proven innocent.  I thought that was illegal in the USA.  They have to prove my guilt – the burden of proof should be on them!

I had to laugh when I told the Montana fraudsters that they could threaten to garnish my wages in the USA, but that I would simply exercise my freedom to go to Canada and work there.  When they threatened to place liens on property or titled vehicles, I had none in the USA.  Go ahead – what are you going to do, make it an international affair over tens of thousands of dollars?  Whatever.

I was supposed to be in Canada a year ago – instead, I have wasted my time away from family just to ensure I could pay this ridiculous levy and fines/penalties off, had I not prevailed.  My wife suffered a heavy price for not having had me there where I should have been.  All because of a bureaucrat and his personal quest to make sure his numbers looked good for the year. 

If enough people stand up and push back, the bureaucrats will have to cower – and think TWICE before they decide to pick on the little guy.  THIS is the reason I went down to LaVoy Finicum’s funeral.  To honor a man who PUSHED BACK and then ended up paying the ultimate price – as an innocent man, who peacefully protested and petitioned for his rights and was gunned down and left to die in a snowbank.  SunzaB’s!!

I will go down and support my sister and family in Paiute County if it comes to that.  It just became personal (moreso than it has been in the past on this whole ranching thing).  We NEED to stand up against tyranny.  Bottom line is, the land has been promised to other people to secure our national debt.  No one is willing to say it – but that is what it is about.  We need to stop operating in debt and then eliminate that debt just as Iceland did, by declaring it illegal debt (the Fed is a total sham).  Unite now – or pay later.

This is the message of this rancher from Circleville, UT:

God bless them – and I hope they are living their lives in such a way that He can pour out his blessings on them without reservation.


This Sheriff is willing to deputize EVERY man, woman and child in Paiute County, Utah.

These guys are taking up where Finicum left off.  My daughter’s best friend is holed up in Canada while her grand-daddy, Cliven Bundy is holed up in a Federal detention center for exercising his rights under the Constitution. 

This whole thing just has me pissed off.  I have so much history that gets me to this point – but I am here to say it is NOW or NEVER.  Stand up now – or lose your right to freedom of speech, freedom from tyranny and so much else.

I have nothing and I like it that way.  Once you have something, the banksters, tax men and other fraudsters can simply take it away – or threaten to take it away. 

I just got done fighting with the Montana Tax Commission and won.  They levied huge penalties against me and basically threatened to take one fifth of a year’s salary away from me if I did not roll over and pay.  I came right back at them with a bunch of effort (self-represented) and told them I was taking this train all the way to the final stop.  I knew I was being pushed around and that their sham audit was no good.  I prevailed – thanks be to God.

Here is the rub.  They take your money, hire lawyers and bureaucrats to lay oppressive burdens on you and can grind you into the ground, if they so desire.  Thankfully, my amount was not worth their time.  Ironically, one of the initial audit findings had to do with annual write-offs of 13% for tithes/offerings.  That sneering auditor sat there and grilled me over that like I was some kind of criminal.  THANKFULLY – the judge/arbiter was a woman of good character and she was able to get my side of the story and after spending hundreds on postage and booklets showing my side of the story, I was let off the hook.  I spent countless hours preparing my defense – and herein is the rub!  I was GUILTY until proven innocent.  I thought that was illegal in the USA.  They have to prove my guilt – the burden of proof should be on them!

I had to laugh when I told the Montana fraudsters that they could threaten to garnish my wages in the USA, but that I would simply exercise my freedom to go to Canada and work there.  When they threatened to place liens on property or titled vehicles, I had none in the USA.  Go ahead – what are you going to do, make it an international affair over tens of thousands of dollars?  Whatever.

I was supposed to be in Canada a year ago – instead, I have wasted my time away from family just to ensure I could pay this ridiculous levy and fines/penalties off, had I not prevailed.  My wife suffered a heavy price for not having had me there where I should have been.  All because of a bureaucrat and his personal quest to make sure his numbers looked good for the year. 

If enough people stand up and push back, the bureaucrats will have to cower – and think TWICE before they decide to pick on the little guy.  THIS is the reason I went down to LaVoy Finicum’s funeral.  To honor a man who PUSHED BACK and then ended up paying the ultimate price – as an innocent man, who peacefully protested and petitioned for his rights and was gunned down and left to die in a snowbank.  SunzaB’s!!

I will go down and support my sister and family in Paiute County if it comes to that.  It just became personal (moreso than it has been in the past on this whole ranching thing).  We NEED to stand up against tyranny.  Bottom line is, the land has been promised to other people to secure our national debt.  No one is willing to say it – but that is what it is about.  We need to stop operating in debt and then eliminate that debt just as Iceland did, by declaring it illegal debt (the Fed is a total sham).  Unite now – or pay later.

This is the message of this rancher from Circleville, UT:

God bless them – and I hope they are living their lives in such a way that He can pour out his blessings on them without reservation.