She is a brave woman who has gone on record that she will die for what LaVoy died for.

On the record – so will I, if I ever have to put it on the line.  Real men do not back down in the face of tyranny.  When I got back from my mission back in 1990 after dealing with so much corruption down in Brazil, I swore I would fight it to my dying breath.  And here we are – in as bad, or worse condition than Brazil – and I am willing to make good on my promise.

You do not shoot at unarmed women or children – period.  These sunzaB douchebags did just that, lying that they were using rubber bullets.  Whatever – lying sacks of $*&^%#$^%!!

This testimony convicts them perfectly:

If there is a marked FBI car at that funeral on Friday, I will be one of the first there to exercise my first amendment rights…..  Maybe my second amendment rights……  SunzaBs……
IF you can, it would be good to show support to the family.   I am going to put my money where my mouth is and am donating $100 to the family for expenses on their ranch, burial and legal expenses.  If you want to donate, I am going to find out how and provide a link.  I will also provide footage of the event, as is appropriate.
We need to see some feds swinging from the trees for this.  The more the better.


She is a brave woman who has gone on record that she will die for what LaVoy died for.

On the record – so will I, if I ever have to put it on the line.  Real men do not back down in the face of tyranny.  When I got back from my mission back in 1990 after dealing with so much corruption down in Brazil, I swore I would fight it to my dying breath.  And here we are – in as bad, or worse condition than Brazil – and I am willing to make good on my promise.

You do not shoot at unarmed women or children – period.  These sunzaB douchebags did just that, lying that they were using rubber bullets.  Whatever – lying sacks of $*&^%#$^%!!

This testimony convicts them perfectly:

If there is a marked FBI car at that funeral on Friday, I will be one of the first there to exercise my first amendment rights…..  Maybe my second amendment rights……  SunzaBs……
IF you can, it would be good to show support to the family.   I am going to put my money where my mouth is and am donating $100 to the family for expenses on their ranch, burial and legal expenses.  If you want to donate, I am going to find out how and provide a link.  I will also provide footage of the event, as is appropriate.
We need to see some feds swinging from the trees for this.  The more the better.