Folks, how many witnesses do we need?:

NDE I wanted to share. The person that had it is Catholic. Her name is Sharon M. “We finished our conversation and then we got up. We started walking through the forest and were met by two beautiful, ornately-gowned women who led me to a calm, serene lake at the end of the wooded area. The two women I knew were angels and they began showing me what looked like moving pictures of future events that would take place on the earth. What was shown to me were the events surrounding the 911 attacks and other terrorist attacks against our country as well as our financial institution crumbling or better said our money not being worth the paper it is written on. I was shown silver and gold coins being used to purchase things. They said that in time, we would be going back to the barter system as we had done long ago in the past. They showed me many natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and storms, and 6 huge waves of water covering the land. I saw the one in Japan, one in Indonesia, and also one in Chile.

I saw a woman in Canada who had a little boy in her car and her car went off the road because of flood waters and her car was immersed under the water and they were drowning. God sent angels in the form of people to pull them out but the boy had already passed away. They told me he would survive however, and he did. She went on to promote a spiritual video series. (not sure what that means)

They showed me the government and how they are destroying the peace in our world and how corrupt they are. They showed me the darkness that surrounds them. They showed me different governments being overthrown and huge riots in the streets. They showed me one particular riot where a man was throwing something through a storefront window and there was a building nearby that was on fire. I also heard the sound of gunshots. They showed me the pockets of light that are still left in small sections called ‘safe havens.’ These havens are mostly these areas are in the mountainous regions. They showed me how to see the dark clouds around the lands to know where the safe havens are located. The last thing they showed me was a silver ribbon splitting the united states apart. I was given knowledge that this ribbon was a river, I am assuming it was the Mississippi River, but they gave me no explanation as to the meaning of this ribbon other than the ribbon gets larger.

The truth is, to this day, when these things happen I am still as shocked and surprised as anyone that they actually happen the way that the angels showed me. It’s only after the fact, that I realized, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s what they showed me.’ It seems so incredible to me. I don’t know why they showed me those things. What was I supposed to do with the information? They didn’t say, so I just wait to see what would happen next. When things did happen as they said it would, I was and still am amazed by it.”

You can read the complete NDE on

Speaking of NDE’s, my wife had a splendid visit with Spencer today.  I am so excited for her.  She said she will not wash the hand he shook until I can shake it myself (just kidding here….:)

But, I do have to say that I am horribly envious of her.  I know he is a mere mortal – but a cool one, I might say.  He also did ask how she ended up in Cardston.  I had initially corresponded with him and mentioned that we were from the Seattle area – so I think he was pretty confused for a bit.  She mentioned that I had been given an “experience” where-in I knew we should go to Cardston – or we would end up there eventually by force of circumstance, if we chose not to.  He asked what other things drove our decision.  My wife did not tell all – not that she would want to come off as online stalkers, or anything…….  I am sure she will the next visit with him.  We may both go to see him in a few months.  He is only $130 an hour (cash).  I am pretty sure he does not take insurance – probably to avoid the billing nightmare is my guess.


Folks, how many witnesses do we need?:

NDE I wanted to share. The person that had it is Catholic. Her name is Sharon M. “We finished our conversation and then we got up. We started walking through the forest and were met by two beautiful, ornately-gowned women who led me to a calm, serene lake at the end of the wooded area. The two women I knew were angels and they began showing me what looked like moving pictures of future events that would take place on the earth. What was shown to me were the events surrounding the 911 attacks and other terrorist attacks against our country as well as our financial institution crumbling or better said our money not being worth the paper it is written on. I was shown silver and gold coins being used to purchase things. They said that in time, we would be going back to the barter system as we had done long ago in the past. They showed me many natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and storms, and 6 huge waves of water covering the land. I saw the one in Japan, one in Indonesia, and also one in Chile.

I saw a woman in Canada who had a little boy in her car and her car went off the road because of flood waters and her car was immersed under the water and they were drowning. God sent angels in the form of people to pull them out but the boy had already passed away. They told me he would survive however, and he did. She went on to promote a spiritual video series. (not sure what that means)

They showed me the government and how they are destroying the peace in our world and how corrupt they are. They showed me the darkness that surrounds them. They showed me different governments being overthrown and huge riots in the streets. They showed me one particular riot where a man was throwing something through a storefront window and there was a building nearby that was on fire. I also heard the sound of gunshots. They showed me the pockets of light that are still left in small sections called ‘safe havens.’ These havens are mostly these areas are in the mountainous regions. They showed me how to see the dark clouds around the lands to know where the safe havens are located. The last thing they showed me was a silver ribbon splitting the united states apart. I was given knowledge that this ribbon was a river, I am assuming it was the Mississippi River, but they gave me no explanation as to the meaning of this ribbon other than the ribbon gets larger.

The truth is, to this day, when these things happen I am still as shocked and surprised as anyone that they actually happen the way that the angels showed me. It’s only after the fact, that I realized, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s what they showed me.’ It seems so incredible to me. I don’t know why they showed me those things. What was I supposed to do with the information? They didn’t say, so I just wait to see what would happen next. When things did happen as they said it would, I was and still am amazed by it.”

You can read the complete NDE on

Speaking of NDE’s, my wife had a splendid visit with Spencer today.  I am so excited for her.  She said she will not wash the hand he shook until I can shake it myself (just kidding here….:)

But, I do have to say that I am horribly envious of her.  I know he is a mere mortal – but a cool one, I might say.  He also did ask how she ended up in Cardston.  I had initially corresponded with him and mentioned that we were from the Seattle area – so I think he was pretty confused for a bit.  She mentioned that I had been given an “experience” where-in I knew we should go to Cardston – or we would end up there eventually by force of circumstance, if we chose not to.  He asked what other things drove our decision.  My wife did not tell all – not that she would want to come off as online stalkers, or anything…….  I am sure she will the next visit with him.  We may both go to see him in a few months.  He is only $130 an hour (cash).  I am pretty sure he does not take insurance – probably to avoid the billing nightmare is my guess.