Well, you will NEVER get me to vote for a “dumbascrap” socialist steaming pile any time soon.  I actually did vote for one as a college kid.  He was in Provo and was actually a good guy and the R opponent seemed just a little too “suave” for my tastes.  I cannot stand a slickster.  My mom was the same way.  I think she is where I get my fire from – she would not stand for any kind of shenanigans from people – though she was a Canadian liberal (having been raised in poverty her time there as a dirt farmer/rancher and having been picked on by the socially-connected, she was always looking out for the small guy).

Anyway, speaking of slick, steaming piles – I am going TMI here.  I got violently ill and spent a good hour in the loo this afternoon at the Home Despot while picking up all the flexible conduit and satellite disconnect boxes for the hybrid power center (getting closer to the unveiling!).  I could not extract myself from the crapper.  While checking out at the register quite some time later than I expected, I heard sirens and stuff going on out on the main thoroughfare that goes to Paine Field in Everett, WA – where I work.  Thankfully, I took a different route to work.  When I got in, there was an alert telling people to avoid that main road due to Hillary Clinton’s visit today.  Sure enough, I was violently ill right around the same time her motorcade was going by……  I guess that hour on the loo was kind of like my personal visit with the old hag from The Hague…..  I got about the same feeling (and stench) I get just thinking about her as our possible fearless leader……  If I had only known sooner….. oh, the missed opportunities.

Anyway – back to my point.  I think this plea from an Awaken moderator was fantastic (the link is fantastic):

 The Republicans offer you no political salvation. Don’t trust them. Don’t support their tyranny. The Democrats likewise are devoid of the ability to help America. A vote for the Republicans or Democrats is, in all reality, a vote for more of the same tyranny and corruption that’s lorded over us for more than a century. If you love Freedom, if you love the Constitution, if you love honesty and morality and decency, I beg you not to vote Republican or Democrat. Don’t be part of the problem – stand up and choose a different course. Below is a link to an article about voting independent that I think is relevant. ZAS


And remember that Joseph Smith DID say that the American Independent party would rise after the Democrats and Republicans had gone to war (war of words – not physical, or so I would guess – unless the CWII starts over partisan politics; and maybe, of all places, Chicago……).

Me?  Most likely will vote for an Independent candidate this time around.  I am done with failed promises and slicksters (including sMhITT ROMNEY).  I laughed at that one….

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1RiFK6V


Well, you will NEVER get me to vote for a “dumbascrap” socialist steaming pile any time soon.  I actually did vote for one as a college kid.  He was in Provo and was actually a good guy and the R opponent seemed just a little too “suave” for my tastes.  I cannot stand a slickster.  My mom was the same way.  I think she is where I get my fire from – she would not stand for any kind of shenanigans from people – though she was a Canadian liberal (having been raised in poverty her time there as a dirt farmer/rancher and having been picked on by the socially-connected, she was always looking out for the small guy).

Anyway, speaking of slick, steaming piles – I am going TMI here.  I got violently ill and spent a good hour in the loo this afternoon at the Home Despot while picking up all the flexible conduit and satellite disconnect boxes for the hybrid power center (getting closer to the unveiling!).  I could not extract myself from the crapper.  While checking out at the register quite some time later than I expected, I heard sirens and stuff going on out on the main thoroughfare that goes to Paine Field in Everett, WA – where I work.  Thankfully, I took a different route to work.  When I got in, there was an alert telling people to avoid that main road due to Hillary Clinton’s visit today.  Sure enough, I was violently ill right around the same time her motorcade was going by……  I guess that hour on the loo was kind of like my personal visit with the old hag from The Hague…..  I got about the same feeling (and stench) I get just thinking about her as our possible fearless leader……  If I had only known sooner….. oh, the missed opportunities.

Anyway – back to my point.  I think this plea from an Awaken moderator was fantastic (the link is fantastic):

 The Republicans offer you no political salvation. Don’t trust them. Don’t support their tyranny. The Democrats likewise are devoid of the ability to help America. A vote for the Republicans or Democrats is, in all reality, a vote for more of the same tyranny and corruption that’s lorded over us for more than a century. If you love Freedom, if you love the Constitution, if you love honesty and morality and decency, I beg you not to vote Republican or Democrat. Don’t be part of the problem – stand up and choose a different course. Below is a link to an article about voting independent that I think is relevant. ZAS


And remember that Joseph Smith DID say that the American Independent party would rise after the Democrats and Republicans had gone to war (war of words – not physical, or so I would guess – unless the CWII starts over partisan politics; and maybe, of all places, Chicago……).

Me?  Most likely will vote for an Independent candidate this time around.  I am done with failed promises and slicksters (including sMhITT ROMNEY).  I laughed at that one….