Is it no wonder the Savior sad that Charity is the greatest of all?

I also call it “magnamity of spirit”.  Or “largeness of spirit”.  When we are greater than just our base emotions.  This is charity – and few there be that find themselves fully possessed of it.  Charity is a gift from God.  So we need to seek it out and knock and it will be given to that person that seeks it.

Keeping the Commandments is key to this.  If we are not comfortable in our own skin, we cannot cover another with the cloak of charity.  Something to think about:

If you have not charity, you are nothing.


Is it no wonder the Savior sad that Charity is the greatest of all?

I also call it “magnamity of spirit”.  Or “largeness of spirit”.  When we are greater than just our base emotions.  This is charity – and few there be that find themselves fully possessed of it.  Charity is a gift from God.  So we need to seek it out and knock and it will be given to that person that seeks it.

Keeping the Commandments is key to this.  If we are not comfortable in our own skin, we cannot cover another with the cloak of charity.  Something to think about:

If you have not charity, you are nothing.