Interesting.  We know hostilities will likely start over there in Korea when N. Korea pops off.

This is ominous news!:

Statement on Korean situation
Postby DEFCONWarningSystem » Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:15 pm utc

Based on recent events in the Korean theatre, the DEFCON Warning System advises the public to consider preparing for possible hostilities. While neither side appears to be moving into offensive positions, the potential for miscalculation or misunderstanding is significant enough that we feel a cautionary statement is advisable at this time.

*** There is no credible threat to the United States itself. ***

In the event of hostilities, there is the potential for nuclear weapons to be used. North Korea has the ability to launch short and possibly medium range missiles armed with nuclear devices, and they are working on long range tech which will allow them to strike the United States itself. While there is no credible evidence they have this ability at this time, it is prudent to be aware that they will eventually if not already.

Any nuclear conflict will significantly affect public perception, and may cause a run on supplies. Additionally, fallout from any nuclear detonation will reach the U.S. mainland within a couple days if less, depending on winds.

Based on the type of nuclear weapons that will likely be used in any conflict, radiation reaching the U.S. will probably be minimal and cause no significant health hazard. Nevertheless, proper precautions are always advised.

We wish to emphasis that this is merely a precautionary advisory considering a “worst-case” scenario which may not and probably will not happen. At this time, there have been no troop movements by North Korea which would indicate preparations for an offensive attack.

Current information known to the DEFCON Warning System:

A widespread military drill is currently underway on the Korean Peninsula. Dubbed OPLAN 5015, its primary goal is to train in the event of war on the Korean Peninsula. Early on in the operation, OPLAN 5015 was changed to include decapitation strikes specifically on North Korea. At this time there is over 317,000 U.S., South Korean, and Japanese troops participating in the drill. There is also an unprecedented number of naval assets including two U.S. Nuclear Aircraft Carriers with a possible third in the vicinity. Two Amphibious Assault Ships with an estimated number of 2,000 troops and other military assets on board which we believe are separate to the assets currently taking part in ground exercises. On an important note, there has never been two modern day Amphibious Assault Ships participate in a military drill or otherwise. An unknown number of destroyers, cruisers, and submarines are in the area as well. We can estimate that one carrier group carries 17 different ships, so we estimate at least 34 naval assets are in the region. Air assets include 3 B-2 Spirits which were originally not slated to become apart of the drills have been moved to Diego Garcia. Many fighters, and B-52s are also in the region. In response to the movement of the B-2s, Russia has moved 3 Backfire bombers to Novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport, 16 km from the centre of Novosibirsk, Siberia.

Much of the field drills are slated to begin this coming Sunday, however tensions are running very high on the Korean Peninsula. Many military aircraft are already participating in live munitions exercises over South Korean airspace. South Korea has deployed a newly developed anti-aircraft missile system along the maritime border with North Korea in the Yellow Sea. U.S. artillery brigade based in South Korea launched a barrage of rockets close to the border town of Cheorwon, South Korea and the DPRK town of Pyonggang.

On March 9, 2016, the DPRK launched 2 missiles identified as Hwasong-6, launched parallel to the DMZ from the western region of the country south of Pyonyang over land into the Yellow sea. North Korea is believed to have restarted a small research reactor at its Yongbyon nuclear complex in a possible attempt to make tritium, a key ingredient for hydrogen bombs.

Due to these events, The DEFCON Warning System believes that this has potential to evolve into a war on the Korean Peninsula. These exercises and statements made by the United States can not be interpreted by North Korea as anything other than provocative. We believe that North Korea is feeling backed into a corner with all the military assets and drills in the region. North Korea may see it as its only choice but to attack the South in what it might rightfully call a defensive move. We will be monitoring this situation closely.

We repeat:

*** There are no indications at this time that North Korea is preparing for an attack ***

We are issuing this advisory due to the heightened possibility of miscalculation or misinterpretation which could spark an accidental/unintentional conflict.

We remain at DEFCON 4: Blue. There is no change to the DEFCON status at this time.


Interesting.  We know hostilities will likely start over there in Korea when N. Korea pops off.

This is ominous news!:

Statement on Korean situation
Postby DEFCONWarningSystem » Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:15 pm utc

Based on recent events in the Korean theatre, the DEFCON Warning System advises the public to consider preparing for possible hostilities. While neither side appears to be moving into offensive positions, the potential for miscalculation or misunderstanding is significant enough that we feel a cautionary statement is advisable at this time.

*** There is no credible threat to the United States itself. ***

In the event of hostilities, there is the potential for nuclear weapons to be used. North Korea has the ability to launch short and possibly medium range missiles armed with nuclear devices, and they are working on long range tech which will allow them to strike the United States itself. While there is no credible evidence they have this ability at this time, it is prudent to be aware that they will eventually if not already.

Any nuclear conflict will significantly affect public perception, and may cause a run on supplies. Additionally, fallout from any nuclear detonation will reach the U.S. mainland within a couple days if less, depending on winds.

Based on the type of nuclear weapons that will likely be used in any conflict, radiation reaching the U.S. will probably be minimal and cause no significant health hazard. Nevertheless, proper precautions are always advised.

We wish to emphasis that this is merely a precautionary advisory considering a “worst-case” scenario which may not and probably will not happen. At this time, there have been no troop movements by North Korea which would indicate preparations for an offensive attack.

Current information known to the DEFCON Warning System:

A widespread military drill is currently underway on the Korean Peninsula. Dubbed OPLAN 5015, its primary goal is to train in the event of war on the Korean Peninsula. Early on in the operation, OPLAN 5015 was changed to include decapitation strikes specifically on North Korea. At this time there is over 317,000 U.S., South Korean, and Japanese troops participating in the drill. There is also an unprecedented number of naval assets including two U.S. Nuclear Aircraft Carriers with a possible third in the vicinity. Two Amphibious Assault Ships with an estimated number of 2,000 troops and other military assets on board which we believe are separate to the assets currently taking part in ground exercises. On an important note, there has never been two modern day Amphibious Assault Ships participate in a military drill or otherwise. An unknown number of destroyers, cruisers, and submarines are in the area as well. We can estimate that one carrier group carries 17 different ships, so we estimate at least 34 naval assets are in the region. Air assets include 3 B-2 Spirits which were originally not slated to become apart of the drills have been moved to Diego Garcia. Many fighters, and B-52s are also in the region. In response to the movement of the B-2s, Russia has moved 3 Backfire bombers to Novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport, 16 km from the centre of Novosibirsk, Siberia.

Much of the field drills are slated to begin this coming Sunday, however tensions are running very high on the Korean Peninsula. Many military aircraft are already participating in live munitions exercises over South Korean airspace. South Korea has deployed a newly developed anti-aircraft missile system along the maritime border with North Korea in the Yellow Sea. U.S. artillery brigade based in South Korea launched a barrage of rockets close to the border town of Cheorwon, South Korea and the DPRK town of Pyonggang.

On March 9, 2016, the DPRK launched 2 missiles identified as Hwasong-6, launched parallel to the DMZ from the western region of the country south of Pyonyang over land into the Yellow sea. North Korea is believed to have restarted a small research reactor at its Yongbyon nuclear complex in a possible attempt to make tritium, a key ingredient for hydrogen bombs.

Due to these events, The DEFCON Warning System believes that this has potential to evolve into a war on the Korean Peninsula. These exercises and statements made by the United States can not be interpreted by North Korea as anything other than provocative. We believe that North Korea is feeling backed into a corner with all the military assets and drills in the region. North Korea may see it as its only choice but to attack the South in what it might rightfully call a defensive move. We will be monitoring this situation closely.

We repeat:

*** There are no indications at this time that North Korea is preparing for an attack ***

We are issuing this advisory due to the heightened possibility of miscalculation or misinterpretation which could spark an accidental/unintentional conflict.

We remain at DEFCON 4: Blue. There is no change to the DEFCON status at this time.