Wow – people are starting to squirm.  Glenn Beck has some skin in this game – since he endorsed Ted before Utah caucuses:

I have gotten a number of nasty-grams over the whole adultery thing.  People do not like “their man” Cruzified without more facts and data.  I smell a rat on this one – and I just feel like I have to take a shower after listening to him.  Mind you, a shower with H2O, not the shower with full strength boric acid that I feel like I need to take after listening to hitlery or bummer speak……  Yucksters!!

If it does turn out to be incorrect, I will apologize and bow and scrape profusely.  In the meantime, I am going with my gut on this one.  I love the slimeballs squirming and trying to hold back the dam – and then watching it finally burst.  John Edwards’ circus show was my favorite.  And these guys are going to be “running” our country.  More like “ruining” our country.  They are thinking with the wrong appendage – the one above the shoulders works so much better when it comes to solving real problems.

When it comes down to it, who wants a guy who will step out and go gaga over the first thing that batts her eyes at him – and then there are photos and plenty of material to blackmail if they do not “do the ‘right’ thing”….  How much of the tech the Chinese got in the 1990’s was due to blackmail as opposed to good old-fashioned espionage and tried and true stealing?  Seriously……  The W-88 warhead theft still frosts me.  Even in Cardston, I will have to suck in a few of those lovely nucleides when they light a few off in the Seattle area and it drifts points east…..


Wow – people are starting to squirm.  Glenn Beck has some skin in this game – since he endorsed Ted before Utah caucuses:

I have gotten a number of nasty-grams over the whole adultery thing.  People do not like “their man” Cruzified without more facts and data.  I smell a rat on this one – and I just feel like I have to take a shower after listening to him.  Mind you, a shower with H2O, not the shower with full strength boric acid that I feel like I need to take after listening to hitlery or bummer speak……  Yucksters!!

If it does turn out to be incorrect, I will apologize and bow and scrape profusely.  In the meantime, I am going with my gut on this one.  I love the slimeballs squirming and trying to hold back the dam – and then watching it finally burst.  John Edwards’ circus show was my favorite.  And these guys are going to be “running” our country.  More like “ruining” our country.  They are thinking with the wrong appendage – the one above the shoulders works so much better when it comes to solving real problems.

When it comes down to it, who wants a guy who will step out and go gaga over the first thing that batts her eyes at him – and then there are photos and plenty of material to blackmail if they do not “do the ‘right’ thing”….  How much of the tech the Chinese got in the 1990’s was due to blackmail as opposed to good old-fashioned espionage and tried and true stealing?  Seriously……  The W-88 warhead theft still frosts me.  Even in Cardston, I will have to suck in a few of those lovely nucleides when they light a few off in the Seattle area and it drifts points east…..