This is GREAT stuff:

You need to ask yourself whether you would trust your life with these guys.  Or the safety of your family.

Would you trust your family into the care of someone like LaVoy Finnicum?  Or the average police officer.  The problem here is that the people fell for a grand deception after Sept 11 wherein the police and firefighters were enshrined as quasi-gods that are all-American heroes.  People were subconsciously made to worship them instead of to hold them in the regard that they needed to.

The people drank the purple kool-aid.  Took the hook, line and sinker all the way into the gullet.  And we started the slippery slope to where we are at right now: a sinister police state.

Are all cops bad?  No.  Are there some really bad apples?  Oh yeah.  And they DO cover for each other.  The system is broken and corrupt.  The types who are attracted to those jobs, generally are meat heads who love power, the thrill of the chase and general arse-holes.  No offense to the good ones…… and pardon my Irish.


This is GREAT stuff:

You need to ask yourself whether you would trust your life with these guys.  Or the safety of your family.

Would you trust your family into the care of someone like LaVoy Finnicum?  Or the average police officer.  The problem here is that the people fell for a grand deception after Sept 11 wherein the police and firefighters were enshrined as quasi-gods that are all-American heroes.  People were subconsciously made to worship them instead of to hold them in the regard that they needed to.

The people drank the purple kool-aid.  Took the hook, line and sinker all the way into the gullet.  And we started the slippery slope to where we are at right now: a sinister police state.

Are all cops bad?  No.  Are there some really bad apples?  Oh yeah.  And they DO cover for each other.  The system is broken and corrupt.  The types who are attracted to those jobs, generally are meat heads who love power, the thrill of the chase and general arse-holes.  No offense to the good ones…… and pardon my Irish.