So my wife took a Women’s Studies class from an apostate woman (BYU “professor”) in the early 1990’s.  Unfortunately, she took everything the woman said, hook line and sinker and it kind of shook her views on Joseph Smith for some time.

I was pretty pissed at the time – because I was certain I was marrying a devout RM who had a rock-solid testimony of Joseph Smith – and I was, in reality, getting damaged goods (who had serious trust issues with men).  It was almost as if I were taking a beautiful virginal woman across the threshold to consummate the marriage, only to “unwrap” the gift and find yourself staring at a cross-dressing, hairy tranny and asking yourself, “What the HECK did I just do??”.  Except this was spiritual “flip-flopping”.  In the tradition of all the apostates in one of her lines.  Just lovely.

So, after one heated argument where she impinged on the character of Joseph Smith one too many times for me (basically said he was a philanderer six months after we were married), I let her have it both barrels and told her that she was going to pay a heavy price for impinging on the character of a good man (I knew at that point, if she would turn on him, she would turn on me) – and I had an inkling she might even turn on God himself at some point (which she did to some degree).  The whole time, I am trying to raise a family and maintain our family value set and keep our ship’s course on a sustainable setting.

To say the least, it has been hell for me to witness this whole mess.

I am not saying that our son’s death was part of this “redemptive” process she has had to go through – but around the time he passed at 9 months, she was magnanimous enough to finally “clear” Joseph’s name and ask forgiveness (even though she still harbors the thought to this day that he fooled around with other women – and fathered children with them).  I know he was sealed to more than one woman – dozens to be exact.  I have never had a problem with that.  I am even quite positive that Eliza R. Snow may have been carrying his child (rumor at this point) when she was living under his roof and things got very heated with Emma over this “sanctioned” relationship.  I have always said that the best blood in this Church would have been posterity of Joseph and Eliza.  Those two were the closest in parity of any two I can think of.  It would have been awesomeness to have those two lines tied together.

What I am saying is that when my wife read “Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith” right before our child died – and had a witness of the divinity of Joseph’s life and work – and asked for forgiveness for her stubbornness of heart, that it has been an uphill battle for her since.  After the loss of our child in the night, there was no sleep two children later wherein she passed through hell on earth with the onset of mental illness (long story) and many hospitalizations and yo-yo ups and downs.  This, culminating in her seeing “Spencer” of Visions of Glory tomorrow to work through the childhood sexual abuse that started this whole mess in her childhood.  I demanded that her abuser pay for her treatment until she is whole of this mis-trust of men and dis-abuses herself of the notion that almost ALL men are pigs – as her abuser was when her trust was betrayed as an 8 year old girl.

And after ALL of THAT hell that I have had to watch her go thru – for stubbornness of heart, instead  of being believing in the innocence and goodness of one man (and many of the rest of us who love what is good and right), this comes out.  Something basically refuting much of what was taught by that hellish woman in a BYU class.  Can I tell you how fed up I am of feminists and man-haters and those who tear down what is good and right?  And trashy lines of breeding that carry that notion on to the next generation?  So that they have to suffer – like their pig-headed ancestors who never had it in them to just be believing – instead of doubting and full of contempt for what is good and right??

Yep – I am THAT fed up.

May “Spencer” bring a miracle about.  Pray for him and for her.  It has been a painful journey – like a slow-motion Hindenburg disaster.  Complete with flaming corpses falling to their demise, melting in the throes of death.  Having to watch it EVERY SINGLE DAY – and then this:

Proving by DNA, that Joseph was not a steaming pile like my wife was led to believe by a ravening she-wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Just lovely……  Wow.  That is all.


So my wife took a Women’s Studies class from an apostate woman (BYU “professor”) in the early 1990’s.  Unfortunately, she took everything the woman said, hook line and sinker and it kind of shook her views on Joseph Smith for some time.

I was pretty pissed at the time – because I was certain I was marrying a devout RM who had a rock-solid testimony of Joseph Smith – and I was, in reality, getting damaged goods (who had serious trust issues with men).  It was almost as if I were taking a beautiful virginal woman across the threshold to consummate the marriage, only to “unwrap” the gift and find yourself staring at a cross-dressing, hairy tranny and asking yourself, “What the HECK did I just do??”.  Except this was spiritual “flip-flopping”.  In the tradition of all the apostates in one of her lines.  Just lovely.

So, after one heated argument where she impinged on the character of Joseph Smith one too many times for me (basically said he was a philanderer six months after we were married), I let her have it both barrels and told her that she was going to pay a heavy price for impinging on the character of a good man (I knew at that point, if she would turn on him, she would turn on me) – and I had an inkling she might even turn on God himself at some point (which she did to some degree).  The whole time, I am trying to raise a family and maintain our family value set and keep our ship’s course on a sustainable setting.

To say the least, it has been hell for me to witness this whole mess.

I am not saying that our son’s death was part of this “redemptive” process she has had to go through – but around the time he passed at 9 months, she was magnanimous enough to finally “clear” Joseph’s name and ask forgiveness (even though she still harbors the thought to this day that he fooled around with other women – and fathered children with them).  I know he was sealed to more than one woman – dozens to be exact.  I have never had a problem with that.  I am even quite positive that Eliza R. Snow may have been carrying his child (rumor at this point) when she was living under his roof and things got very heated with Emma over this “sanctioned” relationship.  I have always said that the best blood in this Church would have been posterity of Joseph and Eliza.  Those two were the closest in parity of any two I can think of.  It would have been awesomeness to have those two lines tied together.

What I am saying is that when my wife read “Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith” right before our child died – and had a witness of the divinity of Joseph’s life and work – and asked for forgiveness for her stubbornness of heart, that it has been an uphill battle for her since.  After the loss of our child in the night, there was no sleep two children later wherein she passed through hell on earth with the onset of mental illness (long story) and many hospitalizations and yo-yo ups and downs.  This, culminating in her seeing “Spencer” of Visions of Glory tomorrow to work through the childhood sexual abuse that started this whole mess in her childhood.  I demanded that her abuser pay for her treatment until she is whole of this mis-trust of men and dis-abuses herself of the notion that almost ALL men are pigs – as her abuser was when her trust was betrayed as an 8 year old girl.

And after ALL of THAT hell that I have had to watch her go thru – for stubbornness of heart, instead  of being believing in the innocence and goodness of one man (and many of the rest of us who love what is good and right), this comes out.  Something basically refuting much of what was taught by that hellish woman in a BYU class.  Can I tell you how fed up I am of feminists and man-haters and those who tear down what is good and right?  And trashy lines of breeding that carry that notion on to the next generation?  So that they have to suffer – like their pig-headed ancestors who never had it in them to just be believing – instead of doubting and full of contempt for what is good and right??

Yep – I am THAT fed up.

May “Spencer” bring a miracle about.  Pray for him and for her.  It has been a painful journey – like a slow-motion Hindenburg disaster.  Complete with flaming corpses falling to their demise, melting in the throes of death.  Having to watch it EVERY SINGLE DAY – and then this:

Proving by DNA, that Joseph was not a steaming pile like my wife was led to believe by a ravening she-wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Just lovely……  Wow.  That is all.